Over The River And Through The Woods (Jingle)

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Over The River And Through The Woods

Sing along to Over The River And Through The Woods by Lydia Maria Child.


Over the river and through the woods,
To dispose of this body we go.

Oh, it was fun, his life to then slay,

And we liked watching his blood stain the snow. 
Oh, how the wind did blow!

Trapping his screams, so no one knows,

No witnesses to hunt down, so,
We have the full day to play.
Oh, hear the slaughter bells ringing, ting-a-ling-ling, 

For it is Psychos Day. 
Rest in piss, my victims slain;
Dumped in the ground never to be found, 

For this is Psychos Day. 
You'll travel through the Devil's gate. 

Because God's always too late,

For a new victim, it's so hard to wait!

Now Psycho Claus I spy. 

Hurrah for fun; this day's not done; 

Hurrah for the Psychos tonight!

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