Anger, Recklessness, and Heartache

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Blake's P.O.V.

I grabbed the mail from the mailbox and went back to the kitchen to make some tea. When I sat down to have breakfast, something in the newspaper caught my eye. The Vytal Festival Tournament. Hm, I wonder how that's gone. I remember when I participated in the tournament. I know my children entered the tournament.

The headline said it all. "Girl Attacks Faunus At The Tournament" What? I my curiosity increased. I began reading the article only to have my anger rise.

'Girl Attacks Faunus At The Tournament:

After several matches, one of the final matches made a wrong turn. Daki Fu of Haven Academy in Mistral was matched up to fight young Dusty Xiao Long of Beacon Academy in Vale. The match started with the normal circumstances, having been both girls warded the other off with their swords. Miss Xiao Long however brought a twist to the match. A ball of black flames came around her, as we all made the assumption that it was her semblance which is a very rare one. Miss Fu continued to charge at her opponent, having each attack dodged or blocked. Even with her semblance of speed, Miss Xiao Long managed to take down her opponent. As in a friendly gesture of sportsmanship, Miss Xiao Long offered a hand to help Miss Fu up, only for her to refuse. Miss Fu took her weapon and struck at Miss Xiao Long from behind. Fortunately, Miss Xiao Long sustained minor injuries according to the nurses at the medical station provided for the tournament. Things would've gotten really ugly if Xiao Long's friends hadn't shown up to come to her rescue. Security took Miss Fu away before anything else could happen. Both headmasters have been informed of the isolated incident and there will be consequences for Miss Fu's actions. From what we were told by Miss Xiao Long during a quick interview, Miss Fu was using some words to provoke her during the match and after. It appears that Miss Xiao Long was paired up with someone who heavily dislikes the faunus.'

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