What a nightmare

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    "You betrayed me! You left me! And I will, NEVER, forgive you.." Yata yelled at Fushimi and walked away. Fushimi had reached out his hands and tried to chase after him, but his body wouldn't move. He then tried to call out to Yata, But no words could escaped his mouth. Yata had started to fade into the darkness.

"Misaki!" Fushimi stood up as his chair hit the ground now being aware of his surroundings. "Misaki?" One of his superiors asked as everyone in the room stared at him. "Fushimi, are you okay? You're really pale and have been spacing out alot latley."

   "Yeah, sorry. I'm gonna go home for the rest of the day." Fushimi walked out of the door and began walking home. As he walked he passed by the park him and Yata used to go to and hang out. An image of Yata flashed in his mind. He put his hand up to his collar and rubbed the scar. He then continued to walk. He wondered what Yata was doing.

   As Yata was chasing the man down an alley they came to a dead end. The man paniced and still facing the wall and slowly turned around to face him. "No where to..." Yatas word had trailed off. He was looking at Fushimis face now. He stumbled back. "What the hell."

The man took this as an opportunity and ran past Yata, but not with out punching him in the stomach. Yata fell to his knees and started coughing. Izumo walked up behind him smoking. "He got away. What a shame." Izumo looked down at Yata. "Huh. What's wrong?" Izumo asked. Yata was still in shock. "Fushimi.." He said under his breath. "Huh, What was that?" He stood up still refusing to look at Izumo. "It was nothing. I'm going for a stroll. Don't wait for me."

   It had gotten dark and Yata was still strolling around on his skateboard. He didn't have a specific route, he just kept riding. "Damn Monkey." Yata looked up. "Look out!" He screamed to the person in front of him, but was to late. The two had collided and were now rolling down a hill. "What the hell?" he sat up rubbing the back of his head and looked at the person he had ran into. "Ahhh!" They both said in unison. "Saru?" "Misaki."

   "Don't call me by that name. Damn Monkey." Yata said as he rubbed the back of his head again. "So mean Mi~sa~ki." Fushimi said as he stood up. "Remember this place Misaki? Its where we use to hang out." "Why would I want to remember anything that has to do with you? Traitor." Yata stood up and began to walk away. "I'm going home." Fushimi looked at Yata. "In that condition? You'll die before you make it there." Yata turned around. "What do you mean by that?" "Of course you didn't notice, you're an idiot." He walked up to Fushimi.

   "What was that damn-" Yata got light headed and felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He reached back at looked at his hand, it was covered in blood. "Fuck." Yata said as he fainted right in front of Fushimi. He panicked and on instinct caught his limp body before it hit the ground. He looked so fragile. He was losing a lot of blood. Fushimi took off his jacket and wrapped it around Yatas head to stop the bleeding.

   Yata opened his eyes and scanned the room. Fushimi had walked in with a glass of water. "Ah. You're finally away Misaki. Its about time. I didn't know what to do so I brought you to my place and called a doctor to fix you. He said you hit your head pretty hard, but that I shouldn't worry." Yata just stared at Fushimi who was standing in the door way. "Oh, I brought you water if you're--" "Who are you?" Fushimi stopped in his tracks and dropped the glass shattering it as it hit the floor. He stared at Yata in shock. Is this a joke, or, does Misaki really not know who I am..  Fushimi thought to himself. 

   He came back to his senses and realized he had startled Yata. "Oh. I'm sorry, I'll be right back." Fushimi said and walked out of the room closing the door. He leaned against the door as tears fell from his eyes. He quickly wiped them away. A world without Misaki is a place I don't belong.  Fushimi began the scratch at the scar on his shoulder blade. "Why would I want to remember anything that has to do with you?"  As Yata sat in the room he got up and looked around. He found a PSP on the book shelf and picked it up. He examined the object and turned it on. As it started up he felt a sharp pain in his head. He closed his eyes tight and saw what seemed to be a memory.

   "You're always on that Misaki." "Well yeah, you gave to me because I always complain that i'm board." Yata looked over to Fushimi, who then looked at him and smiled. "I guess I must be pretty boring then. Right, Misaki.." The voice faded away, Then came back. But, more alarmed. When Yata opened his eyes he was on the ground and Fushimi was calling him. "Misaki!? Misaki are you alright?" Yata looked him in the eyes and noticed his eyes were red. Was he crying? Was it because of me? Yata thought. "I'm fine, sorry for making you worry.." "Fushimi. Call me Fushimi." He stod up and Fushimi picked up the PSP. "Here." Fishimi handed it to Yata. "Isn't this yours? I can't take it." 

   Fushimi smiled. "It's okay. It's your really." Yata looked down at it. "You gave this to me as a gift before." He said under his breath. Fushimi looked at Yata confused. "The doctor said you must of hit your head harder than he thought and that's whats caused your memory loss." Yata looked down at his feet. "Were me and you close?" Fushimi was shocked then looked down at his feet as well. "Why would I.."  "We should get you back to HOMARA." Fushimi said and began to clean up the broken glass. "HOMARA? Whats that?" Yata kneeled down and began to help Fushimi. "I don't want-" "Yes you do. You would want to. The Misaki I know wouldn't even want to look at me." He stopped picking up the glass and walked out of the room. He came back with Yatas sweater and threw it at him. "Put that on. We're leaving." 

   Yata did as told and put it on then followed Fushimi to a cab. The whole ride to HOMARA was silent. They didn't speak to each other at all. As they arrived Yata looked sad. They got off and entered the bar and were greated by Izumo. "This is a surprise, what brings you here Fushimi?" Izumo asks. Fushimi looks away angered. "Can I talk to you, Outside." Izumo looked at Yata who looked confused, then at Fushimi. "Yeah." The both walk outside leaving Yata alone. "So what's up Fushimi. You look down." Izumo said as he lite a cigarette. "Misaki, Has lost his memory." Fushimi finally spit out. Izumo looked at him. "I see. What happened before that?" Fushimi clenched his fist. "Tsk. Stupid Misaki." Izumo looked away. "What happened? You two fight again? Did things get out of hand?" 

   ""Why would I want to remember anything that has to do with you?" , Is what he said before that. We were standing in the park we use to hang out at." "So you think this is your fault?" "We ran into each other and fell down a hill. He hit his head on the way down some how." Fushimi finished. "Just. Take care of him. The doctor said he might regain his memory. He'd want to be around people he likes when he does. I'll take my leave now." Fushimi then left and headed home. 

   Once home Fushimi threw himself on his bed. "Stupid Misaki." He began to cry. "Is this what you wanted?" He turned over and looked up at the ceiling. He began scratching his wrist and removed the cuffs. His wrist were covered in scars and open wounds. "I'm no longer apart of your world, But you're still apart of mine." He laid there almost lifeless. "I'm the traitor, But the only one I had was Misaki. I was just returning the favor.I Love you after all." He began to cry again, and slowly, fell asleep. 

   "Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Fushimi looked up at the boy with teary eyes. "Go away, leave me alone." Fishimi hid his face in his knees again. The boy sat down next to him. Fushimi began to get annoyed and stood up to walk away. Before he could even take a step the boy had grabbed his arm from behind. Fushimi began to turn around. "What do-." He was pulled into an embrace by the other boy. "I don't know whats wrong but, you needed a hug." Fushimi was surprised, but hugged him anyways. "Thank you."

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