The Malum Sex. WARNING: rated R

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I chose to end the book like this. I was going to add an epilogue but I couldn't think of one good enough to fit the story. Sorry to have disappointed you if I did!

To make up for it, here is the promised sex scene! Its a bit long and It's a little awkward , sorry.


Michael took a hold of one of calums hands, lacing his fingers between his. He bit his lower lip and looked back up into calums brown eyes.

They were both faintly blushing, both silent but it wasn't awkward. It was like their bodies were doing all the talking.

With another glance toward Luke and Ashton, Michael saw they were walking away. Leaving him to have some fun with Calum.

Calum didn't know why Michael suddenly was being extremely flirty and touchy, but he wasn't going to question it. He liked it too much, so he went with it.

He willingly followed when Michael started walking, hand still holding his. The pace was slow and he had no idea where they were going, hopefully not far from the well worn path.

Michael finally stopped by small stream that was surrounded by lush green plants, most came thigh high to Calum.

He released calums hand and crossed his arms to grab the hem of his shirt, just to peel it slowly off. Michael blushed a little more, slightly embarrassed of his pale skin looking ghostly white in the sun.

When the blushing Michael turned to face Calum, Calum just laughed softly under his breath. He stepped closer and ran a hand across Michaels lower stomach, dipping his fingers under the rim of his skinny jeans. He gripped the pants and tugged Michael even closer, planting soft kisses to his plump lips.

As Michael worked his fingers along calums pants buttons and zippers, he kissed Calum back. Their lips moved messily together, it was sloppy but beautiful.

Michael bit down on calums lower lip, making the tanned boy gasp into his lips. He took that change to slip his tongue into his mouth and explore every surface with it.

Calum muffled a moan into Michaels mouth, taking his nails lightly up and down the his sides. He took a step back to gasp for air, he was forgetting to breath.

Michael chuckled and reached down, undoing his own pants. He kicked off his shoes then his pants and briefs, with Calum following pursuit.

Calum cutely scrunched up his face with a tic, his breath hiccuping and head leaning back as he whistled involuntarily at Michael. But he did agree with his whistle, Michael looked great naked.

Michael simply rolled his eyes. He was insecure and didn't believe anyone when they complimented his looks. He had eyes and he could clearly see the pudgy belly, the ugly pale skin, the small stubby fingers, and of course how ugly he was.

Calum stepped forward and parted his mouth to speak but Michael quickly raised his hand and pressed his pointer finger to calums lips, silencing the boy.

"Shhh" Michael teased with a grin, slowly shaking his head no. He wanted it to seem sexy and like a tease, but in reality he didn't want to hear Calum tell him how beautiful he was. Because he knew it was all a lie anyways.

He feared Calum was going to leave him. He feared he was losing Calum, so he wanted to do everything he could to keep the beautiful tanned boy close. He needed that attention, he thrived for that cute puppy in love look Luke gave Ashton.

Calum welcomed michaels touch, he found it oddly sexy. He again parted his lips but to playfully lick Michaels adorable finger, making the pale boy giggle.

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