Twenty seven - hospital

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theres one more chapter after this, i could try to fit an extra chapter for a epilogue ( not counting the malum smut) to let you know what happens to everyone! its been a great adventure with you guys. 


Even though it didn't take long, it felt like hours for the ambulance to arrive. Calum carried the limp body of Michael up the steps, hating how easy it was because He was so light.

The medics had to pry Michael from calums arms, Luke had to hold him back as he tried to stay beside Michael. Screaming for him to wake up.

"Michael! Please baby! Wake up! I'm right here with you. Do you hear me? Please! Just wake up!"

Ashton even warned the medics to take good care of Michael. He may not get along well with him, but he was counted as a friend. He was also the best friend, almost brother like, to the boy he was falling for.

The three tear stricken boys climbed into the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. They were refused access and had to give them the number and info to the clinic.

The hospital got ahold of Dr Rose, since Michael was left in her care. They were only two hours away, so they rushed to the hospital.

No one was allowed to visit Michael until dr rose saw him first. She even had to call his parents, who were taking the next available flight the following morning in.

Calum was on the edge of his seat, staring at the door that belonged to the room Michael was in. Dr rose was in there, but he knew it was his turn soon.

His father sat silently beside him, not daring to say a word. He knew his son was in pain, and respected his wishes.

Luke sat to calums left, he was slumped forward with his elbows on his knees and face in his hands. He couldn't cry any more tears, which he was thankful for.

Ashton Was seated next to Luke, his gloved hand running up and down Lukes back. He was trying to sooth and comfort the taller boy the best he could. Part of him wanted to pull Luke into a tight embrace, but his mind and disease wouldn't allow it.

Dr rose exited the room, a sorrow expression coated her face. She walked past the boys and stopped, "Luke, Ashton. Visit after Calum but please don't take too long. We have a long trip ahead of us.. Meet me at the car when your done." After getting a yes ma'am from both boys , she continued on walking.

Calum sat up straight, watching her leave. He looked toward his father then the slightly parted door of Michaels room. His father gave him a nod so he slowly got up and made his way to the room.

He pressed open the door and peeked in, the sight before him made his heart drop again. He nervously gulped down the lump in his throat and stepped in.

Calum shut the door behind him and walked over to the bed, looking around the small room. The machine was beeping, making the only noise in the room.

Michael laid in the small bed, looking even smaller then before. His hair was a mess, and his skin was paler then normal. His beautiful pink lips were a faded red, he even had a thin white tube running into his nose.

Calum sat down and scootered closer to the bed. He lifted his hand and went to take Michaels but paused seeing the IV taped to the top of his hand.

His frown deepened when he noticed the cloth cuffs that binded both Michaels wrists to the bed. Was Michael a known flight risk?

Calum traced a finger across one of the cuffs then ran it down into the palm of Michaels hand. He weakly smiled and looked up at Michaels face, admiring the sleeping boy.

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