Sixteen - the threat

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a loud annoying ring broke the peaceful silence of the car. " The fuck?" questioned michael as he drove. "Where the fuck is that coming from?" Grunted calum, starting to look around for the source of the ringing.

Luke was leaning back with his head rested to the back of the seat, his eyes were closed and hoodie was pulled up, earphones wires snaking it's way out and down to his iPod. Since he was asleep, Ashton was taking his time to study his facial features with admiration.

Michaels hand wrapped around the phone, which was hidden in a small compartment by the steering wheel. "oh.." he pulled over the car and put it in park. After pressing Answer, he brought it to his ear "hullo?" he curiously asked.

" you all pleased with yourselves?" Shouted Mr Hood. Michaels mouth dropped open , a grin formed. "Mr Hood!" he said cheerfully. Calum groaned and wrapped his hand around the seat belt strap, " fuck" he hissed.

"hey! Hows it going?" Michael playfully asked, keeping his cheerful tone. "fucking peachy," Mr Hood answered sarcastically. Michael scrunched up his face, mocking mr hood. He looked over at calum and tsked his tongue, " Oh, im sorry to hear that. what can i, what can i do you for, man?"

"let me talk to my son!" Mr Hood Demanded. " uh? s'one second." Michael said, looking back over at calum while holding out the phone to him. Calum frowned then narrowed his eyes, he shook his head and pressed his fingers to his lips trying to hold back a tic. " i cant-- i cant talk to him." he whispered to michael.

Michael glanced back at Ashton who was now interested with what was going on, he was sitting there in the back tugging on his ear lobe with his mouth slightly parted. He was getting nervous with what mr hood may have wanted.

Michael brought the phone back to his ear, " yeah, about that... he doesnt want to fucking talk to you." a smug smile crossed michaels face.

"put him on the phone!" demanded Mr Hood, loud enough for calum to hear. "i dont think he is going to change his mind just because you are saying it louder," Sassed michael.

" i am going to report the car stolen and the cops will track you and have you arrested." Threatened Mr Hood. Michael frowned, glancing over at Calum once more, he covered the bottom of the phone as he pulled it away from his ear. "he said hes going to report the car stolen and that the cops can track us. we'll probably be arrested."

Ashtons hands shot to his hair, tugging painfully at the roots. He groaned and whined, " im going to get deported!" Calum shot ashton a confused glance before looking back at michael who was still watching him.

Calum sat in silence while he thought over his fathers warnings. His worried expression changed into a grin, his eyebrows flicked up and down briefly. He shook his head, " Nah. He wont do it. "

"How do you know?" Asked luke, he took off his headphones earlier and was listening in on the conversation. "Because, he wont risk the bad press." smirked calum with a twitch and a grunt. " Trust me" he gasped out, taking a deep breath.

"you sure?" Asked Ashton, Getting a nod from Calum. " Im -- Absolutely. Absolutely. "

"fuck," whispered Michael, he wanted to take the chance but he knew it was risky. He looked away and stared out the window for a moment. " whats his first name?" michael finally asked.

"David," squeaked calum, his body tensing and jerking from a tic. " david." Replied Michael below his breath.

He brought the phone back to his ear and spoke in his most happy pleasing tone he could manage, " Davie? Hey can i-- do you mind if i call you Davie?" a giggle came from the back seat, calum squeaked and smiled covering his face fighting back laughter. 

Before Mr Hood could answer, Michael spoke again. " Great, Thanks. So, um, we really appreciate the heads up, but i think we are just going to take our chances. Yeah, if i see a cop ill just fucking floor it and i dont think theres ever been a car chase that wasn't televised. " Michael took a deep breath, glancing toward calum who was peeking at him through his fingers. He grinned as he continued, " Yeah, we'll probably get caught, like the perps always do, but you know what? im really looking forward to being on the news. "

Michael chuckled between his words, he took another deep breath and tapped his hand on the steering wheel infront of him. " The camera does add Ten pounds, but i think it would be worth it. Dont you? " Everyone else in the car started laughing, trying to keep it low so michael could hear Mr Hood on the phone.

"hello?" michael asked, not hearing a response. " you still, uh, you still there?" he asked, looking over at calum since calum stuck out his hand wiggling his fingers wanting the phone. He handed calum the phone, who proudly took it and put it to his ear.

"And two-- oh! Two things." he said, some of his tourettes coming out since he was being so bold. " Youre wrong, you dont know anything about me." calum brought the phone to his lips so he could loudly talk into it, " and youll never see me again!" he said in anger.

He rolled down the car window and threw the phone out, watching it bounce along the dirt and rocks beside the road before sliding into a stop in pieces.

Ashton gasped and started laughing and bouncing in place, Lukes eyes widened and his mouth parted but he was grinning. " oh shit!" laughed michael. The three other boys were so proud of calum.

Calum and Michael high-fived, then turned to high-five Ashton and luke but paused in mid air. Ashton was staring with a startled expression then he sheepishly blushed and looked down. They high-fived Luke instead, while laughing.

Michael put the car in drive again, And pulled away from the side of the road. "Let's get the show on the road!" Cheered Michael with another giggle.

"deported?" Luke finally asked, making everyone get quiet again. Ashton blushed and played with his gloves, making the elastic snap back against his skin.

"Ye-yeah. Im not a legal citizen.." He shyly admitted. Everyone's eyebrows rose and they all said "ohhhh" together.

Luke smiled widely at Ashton, flashing his teeth like an excited child. "Well let's not let that happen!" Ashton glanced up to see the smile and blushed, looking away.

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