Chapter Five- Will You Fall In Love Again ?

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Vic’s POV           

I had only known Lia for about a week, yet I knew that I had a crush on her. My heart wanted her and I couldn’t deny it, not even to myself. It was obvious to everyone but her, and I didn’t understand it. Did she not know how beautiful she was, how smart, how…amazing ?

From the first time I saw her in the meadow, her presence intrigued me. I just wanted more, more time to be near her, to be with her. She had a magnetic pull on me, and it drove me crazy, in a good way.

On Saturday, I had my whole day ahead of me and the only thing I felt like doing was being with Lia. We texted for a while, but just as I was about to ask her to hang out, she never texted back. I called her a few times, but she didn’t answer. I was hurt that she was ignoring me, but I couldn’t just do nothing. I felt like I would go crazy if I didn’t see her again, so I called up Jack and Alex to make it seem like we all wanted to chill with her. I almost didn’t have the courage to knock on her door when we got to her house, but the guys gave me a little more confidence. She didn’t answer right away, and I began to freak out. Had I done something wrong ? Was she really purposely ignoring me ? I was about to turn and walk away when I heard her call out “Hold on !” I complied, and waited for her dutifully.

Lia opened the door, looking confused. She asked me for the time right off the bat, and I sensed something was wrong. If it had been just her and I, I would have asked right away, but I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable in front of the guys. Soon enough though, that was the last thing on my mind. I was holding Lia in my arms, and nothing else mattered.

I was piggybacking her around town, and life was good. Lia was finding her way into my heart pretty quickly, and it worried me how much I cared for her already. I didn’t know it was possible to like someone this much, let alone this soon…

After Alex and Jack left, Lia and I ended up in a local diner. Being with her felt comfortable and real, and when I wasn’t with her I longed for that feeling like nothing else. When she complained about something in her eye, I couldn’t resist leaning close to gaze into her gorgeous face. Her pale green eyes looked right back into mine, and my breathing hitched. Being this close was taunting me, as her warm breath washed over me and fogged my thinking. Too soon we pulled away, and I was desperate to get that close again. She made me feel things that I didn’t think were possible, and it was like a drug in me. All I wanted was more.

 “Lia, how do you like Cali so far ?” She didn’t answer, she just kept staring out into space. “Lia ? Lia ?” “Yeah ? Sorry, I just kind of zoned out.” She replied sheepishly. “I see that, I asked you how you’re liking California.” “Oh yea, I like it a lot. I have a lot more friends here…” She said in a soft voice.  I couldn’t believe that was true, there was no way that everyone wouldn’t want to be around her. She was beautiful and brilliant, like a magnetic force that held you close. “What about boyfriends ?” I asked earnestly. She whipped her head back to look at me “What ?!”  My eyes widened, she looked really upset. “Uh, nothing,” I said quickly, but it was too late. She jumped to her feet, her hand knocking her glass over. “Why does everyone base worth around how many relationships you’ve had ? It’s totally unrealistic and completely wrong !” I hadn’t meant it that way at all, and my stomach twisted. The last thing I wanted to do was make her upset. I didn’t think that at all, I myself had only had one brief relationship that lasted long enough for a first kiss and a few weeks of awkward flirting, the summer that I turned fourteen. So clearly, it had been awhile.

Instead of cleaning up, I followed her out. I had enough sense to know not to let her go, not to let her walk away from me. I rushed after her, “Lia, I’m really sorry okay ? I didn’t mean anything, it was just a question.”  She turned away, but I turned her face to look at me. Her eyes met mine, searching. She started to speak, but raindrops on her skin interrupted her. We sprinted to her house, bursting through the front door in a flurry of droplets. Lia led me to her room and handed me a blanket. We huddled under our covers, staring out at the rain. The room held a feeling of electricity, like the air was supercharged. No words were spoken, and the only sound was the pattering of the rain splattering its translucent beauty on the window pane. Lia was completely absorbed in watching the outside world, and she looked so peacefully content, so beautiful, that I had an overwhelming urge to kiss her. But she stood and left the room, leaving me alone. The feeling that had clouded the room disappeared with her as she left.

I moved to her bed, sprawling out on the expanse of it, staring up at the ceiling. Lyrics started running through my head, provoked by both the presence of Lia and the rainy day. A few minutes later, Lia entered the room again and flopped onto the bed next to me. “Whatcha thinkin’ about ?’ I mumbled something about song lyrics, and she asked me excitedly if I wrote my own. I wanted to tell her yes, but I was worried. What if she thought I was lame ? I couldn’t lie to her, so I told her the truth. I spilled to her my biggest hopes and dreams, and she listened diligently. She didn’t laugh, she didn’t interrupt me, she just let me spill my guts. That’s how I knew that she was special.

When she didn’t say anything though, I couldn’t help but turn to her and say “You think I’m stupid now, don’t you ? God, I knew I shouldn’t have-“ She cut me off. “Vic. VIC. Stop. I don’t think you’re stupid, I think you’re…amazing. Inspiring, motivated, dedicated…and just…wow.” My grin reached all of my features, and it was my first genuine smile in a while. “You’re just saying that.” But she insisted she wasn’t, shaking her head., “Victor. I mean it.” I slapped her arm for calling me Victor, and she ran her hand through my hair playfully.

 “Lia ?”

“Yeah ?”                                                                                                  


“The ties that bind are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some binds defy distance and time and logic, because some ties are simply meant to be.”

* sorry it's kind of repetitive, I just wanted to get Vic's view in here

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