Chapter 4: The Third Time

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Chapter 4

The Third Time

“Hey, Kate!”David called.

“Hi! I didn’t expect to see you that soon. What are you doing here?” Kate sighed. She was trying to make sure that none of the many, heavy books she was holding would fall.

Thanks to Lily and her new assignment we were at the library where Kate and Dave met for the third time. I didn’t expect him to be there either so I was quite interested to hear his answer. I nodded to Lily. I took a random book from the self close to them and sat on the table nearby pretending that I was reading my book. Lily rolled her eyes, but she didn’t move.

“Thanks God, I didn’t crush into you this time. It wouldn’t be pleasant to be hit with all these books.” he smiled at her as he always did. “Let me help you.”

“Oh, thanks! I’m quite strong.” she smiled back. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“I was searching for some books.” he muttered.

“Really? I haven’t seen you here before…”

“Actually…” Dave interrupted. “I came here hoping to meet you.” he finally admitted. “I saw you holding a book with a library sticker on it, yesterday. So I thought I might find you here.”

Kate felt embarrassed. “Well, I don’t know what to say.”

“I’m sorry. I… I just felt bad crushing on you twice and I really wanted to make it up. Is that bad?”

“It’s not. It’s a bit strange.” she breathed.


She realized that she said something which was supposed to be kept only in the thoughts. “Never mind.”

“So what are doing in the afternoon?” Dave asked.

“Um… I don’t know yet. Probably, I’ll study.”

“What about now?” he insisted.

“Well, I’ll go home. A chicken leg and some potatoes are waiting for me. ”she was smiling again.

“Do you want me to walk you home? Maybe I’ll keep you some company. Only, if you want me to.” he said lowering his voice.

“OK. Just let me return these.” she mumbled.

Kate headed to the librarian and I tried to plan how to follow them without being noticed. Obviously, Lily wouldn’t come with me, since she was struggling with finishing her project.

It would be easy to walk behind them for the first four blocks, but then I was supposed to turn on the exactly different direction from where Kate’s apartment was in order to head for my house. Unfortunately, there was no place around her neighborhood that would interest me to use as an excuse in case I was caught stalking them. I might not think how to follow them and start thinking how to stop what I was doing already. Maybe, Lily was right.

Anyway, I put the book back to the self and waved goodbye to Lily. When they were out of the library I silently followed them trying to look uninterested.

“What do you study?” David asked.

“Computer Science.” she replied and gathered her hair into a side ponytail. “Why did you come to find me?”

“I wanted to see you again.” he admitted.

I couldn’t see it but I was sure that Kate blushed and shivered. “Why?” she managed to ask quietly.

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