Mysterious Man

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The game has just gotten over with. The Blackhawks had won 3-0 another shutout by Crawford! I decided to stay and see who the stars of the night were.

"Coming in first...COREY CRAWFORD!" The announcer had said before the crowd had irrupted with excitement.

"And your second star of the night... PATRICK KANE!" I heard the announcer say my favorite player and I stood up in excitement and started cheering. All of the sudden I locked eyes with Kaner, and I felt like I was gonna faint.

"Last but not least our third star of the night.... NICK LEDDY" the announcer said. I stood up and started clapping. After the stars of the night were announced everyone started leaving, including me.While walking in the parking lot a guy with a beanie on walked up to me and asked for some help.

"Hey can you help me!" He said with confidence.

"Uh sure," I hesitantly said. "What's wrong?" I asked curiously.

"Oh I have a flat tire" the mysterious guy said.

"Ok.... I'm Megan by the way" I said heading over to his car that was parked a little way away.

"I'm Patrick," he answered a little more shy.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Hoping nothing to bad happened.

"Well I have a secret," he responded looking down at the ground

"Ok what is it?" I ask confused. "If I'm not intruding" I quickly say.

"Well you see Megan your really nice and pretty.But you should know I don't really have a flat tire. I just needed a reason to talk to you." He said starting to look down.

"Aww that's really sweet but when did you see me?" I asked getting kind of scared.

"On the ice" he said holding back a huge smile.

"I don't understand Patrick. How were you..." I then started to blush because I just realized I was talking to my favorite player. The Patrick KANE! I was now thankful for it being night!

"Haha yea I'm Patrick Kane.." He started to say in a bit of regression.

"Oh well in that case. Hi I'm very pleased to meet you." I said acting very calm because I didn't want to make him regret his decision on coming up to me.

"Wow your acting like I'm a no one," he said starting to smile largely.

"Well I can make it a big deal if you want...?" I said starting to act sassy.

"Ha no thank you. I like you how you are. So you wanna come to my house?" He said starting to reach out and grab my hand.

"Yea, but isnt it a little to soon...we just met." I said while grabbing his hand. I couldn't help myself.

"We're not going to do anything. I just want to get to know you better." He said sounding sweet and reassuring.

~at Patricks house~

I decided to take a quick shower since it was already 10 and I wouldn't have time when I got home. I know it sounds weird that I was taking a shower in a strangers house, but I had a feel of trust and protection with Patrick.

"Hey Patrick I don't have any you have any?" I called down to him.

"Uhh I'll bring you some. Hold on" he yelled up for the kitchen. I heard footsteps running up the stairs and then his drawer close.

"Hey I'm coming in" he said walking in.

"Ok" I said putting a towel on.

"Here are your clothe... Wow you look amazing!" He said interrupting himself.

"Haha thanks. For the clothes and the compliment" I say starting to blush. Patrick then came closer and closer to where I can feel him touch my waist. Then all of the sudden it happened. Our lips locked and all I could feel butterflies.

When we stopped kissing I couldn't help but mumble "wow I could live with that everyday." Then I went and hugged Patrick. I stood on my tiptoes and whispered "thank you".

"What for?"Patrick responded in between kissing my forehead.

"I don't know I just know I'm thankful," I responded grabbing the sweatpants and t shirt.

I dropped my towel and put my clothes on forgetting Patrick was in the room until he said, "wow". I then felt myself blushing.

"I ummm forgot you were there" I said rushing to put clothes on. 'Oh my gosh. What am I doing...' I thought to myself.

"Oh it's fine... Really!" Patrick said starting to smile.

"Haha whatever" I said grabbing his hand to lead him to the couch. We decided to watch a movie.

"Which movie do you want to watch?" Patrick asked me while I nestled into his chest.

"How bout something scary" he suggested.

"I have to warn you I get scared really easy" I told him.

"Then a scary movie is perfect" he told me while starting to mess with my hair. Right when we choose the movie Jonathan Toews walked in.

"Ohhh who is this beautiful girl?!" He asked putting his stuff down.

"She's mine!" Patrick yelled kiddingly.

"Don't forget to rap it before you tap it!" Jonathan said as he winked at us.

"Really?!? Really Jonny?!? You had to say that!" Patrick said starting to add some sass in his talk.

"Oh its fine... I know he's kidding! I can take a joke! " I reassured Patrick.

"Ok good. I wasn't sure. And besides Jon were not moving fast like that. We just met! And I want a long term relationship now." He told Jonathan as he put the movie in.

I then thought to myself 'he actually wants a long term relationship... And with me!' I really got excited but decided not to show it.

Halfway through the movie Patrick muted the tv and just stared at me.

"What is it Pat?" I said. "I was just thinking... Do you want to be my girlfriend.. I think I'm ready for a long term relationship and not just an over night relationship." He then answered and sealed it with a kiss.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Pat!" I said pushing myself up off the couch and kissing him. During the passionate kiss I heard a groan and then 'get a room'. I then automatically knew it was Jonny.

"No. I want to take it slow." Patrick said looking down at me. "I don't want to hurt Megan like I have hurt other girls in the past." He said now kissing my forehead.

Then suddenly, I'm straddling him and started kissing him and next thing I know we are on the ground making out. "So much for the movie" I say while taking breathes. All I got of Patrick was nods. We had gotten back on the couch when I told him that I was really glad we met and I wouldn't change it in the world. He then agreed and I put my head on his chest. 'I'm really glad I met Patrick. Something between us just sparked...I liked it!' All these comments and questions started running through my mind as we finished the movie.


Chapter 1 is up guys!!! Please vote comment and follow me! Also feel free to share! Now that I'm done with all that crap... Chapter 2 will be up tonight!!!! Also I have been working on this for about 3 months and I'm on chapter 7 I just didn't want to upload anything yet. But here it is!!! I obvi decided it would be good to upload it! I really hope you enjoy this!!! Love you guys!!


My Life with Patrick KaneWhere stories live. Discover now