Starting a New Life

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Dusty's P.O.V.

I woke up in my bed, finding my brothers hovering over me. "Hi," I said, being a bit suspicious.

"You know what today is," Trev asked, having the widest smile stretching across his face. His coffee colored ears wiggling with excitement atop his head of shaggy chestnut locks. Onyx was no better. He could barely contain his excitement. It was very evident in his lime colored eyes.

"No... Should I?" I sat up as I ran my fingers through my this raven hair. Sleep still filled my golden eyes. They both let out an exaggerated groan and dramatically rolled their eyes. I swear they're girls underneath that manly figure.

"Today we're going to BEACON sis! How can you forget that?!" Oh, yeah... that. I rubbed the back of my neck. I felt like my stomach was getting knotted up. I was nervous like crazy. I'm going to Beacon at the mere age of fourteen. Aunt Ruby was fifteen when she was first accepted into Beacon. Aunt Weiss, both of my moms, Aunt Pyrrha, Aunt Nora, Uncle Jaune, and Uncle Ren were all seventeen. She stood out like a sore thumb.

"Oh right, that," I said sheepishly. My brothers looked at each other, not sure how to take my reaction.

"Uh, Dust? Aren't you excited," Onyx questioned. I just looked at them both, feeling a bit down. I let out a sigh.

"Don't you remember the story Aunt Ruby told us when we were growing up? When she first started at Beacon? She was the youngest, moved two years ahead just to get into Beacon with the okay from Professor Ozpin and Goodwitch. I feel like I'm just like her. I'm fourteen when you're sixteen and seventeen. Can't you see why I'm nervous about going to Beacon," I said as I stressed my point. Their lips formed in the shape of an "o", realizing why I was timid.

"Dust, you got us to look out for ya. We aren't gonna let you get picked on by the other students. Plus, mom wouldn't be too happy if she found out if something happened to you," Trev said with a comforting smile. Onyx ruffled my already messy hair. I narrowed my eyes at him, only to get a laugh out of the two of them. Then they bolted out of my room so they can finish packing. I let out a solemn sigh. I swung my legs over the side of my bed, keeping my head low. Someone knocked on my door softly. There was only one person in this house that did so. I looked up to see mom standing in the doorway.

"Can I come in," she asked softly. I nodded and she casually strolled in, taking a seat next to me on the bed. Her arm wrapped around my shoulder as she pulled me closer to her. "I know it's scary Dusty, but you're going to love it there. Remember all of the stories I told you about me with the team and my friends?" I nodded while giving her a gentle smile. She kissed the top of my head.

"Mom, can you help me pack," I asked shyly. She gave me one of her loving smiles and nodded, followed with a soft kiss against my forehead. I got out of bed while she grabbed a suitcase for me. I started to gather some of my clothes and neatly placed them on my bed. That's when she came back with a fairly sized suitcase in her hand, placing it on the bed and began to put away what things I've picked so far. I looked over at my nightstand, just staring mindlessly at the picture frame sitting on the wooden surface. I walked over to it, taking it in hand. It was a picture of all of us. I was on Trev's shoulders as Onyx stood to the side next to my mother, my human mother, while my mom planted a sweet kiss upon her wife's cheek. All of us were smiling. That was seven years ago, before the accident. Of course, mom had makeup covering her scar she received in battle while on a mission which turned out to be the last mission she would ever take. Mom was still a huntress, went on missions and all. So when she was gone, grandpa would come stay at the house with us. He would tell us great stories by the fire.

I wiped my eyes as they began to fill themselves with tears. I had to take this with me. I couldn't leave it behind. It was one of the last things I have of my mother before she died. Mom took notice and hugged me. "I miss her too Dust. A day never goes by when I wish that she was still here with us." She took the frame from my hands and gently placed it in one of the netted pockets for safekeeping. It was only a few seconds before she walked out of my room. I heard her footsteps traveling up the stairwell. I wonder what she was getting from upstairs. When she came back down, she held an orange scarf in her hand. I was confused. "She would've wanted you to have this Dust. You'll always have a piece of her with you while you're away with your brothers." I took it in my hands, remembering when mom wore it around her neck. It was always with her huntress attire though. I guess it was part of her gear. I wrapped my arms around mom, hugging her tightly.

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