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hey ppls im sorry it took so long but i was at camp then at a friends cuz gramma had to go to work with pawpaw and they didnt trust dave(our 75 year old babysitter)to wach us. bt ive been reading lots o books as you can see from my library and there are some REALLY talented ppls in here so yall keep it up anyway readers i could really use some feedback and ideas lol read on PAWTY PPLS.


Mmmmmmmmmmmm purple monkeycakes. I thought sleepily in my dream. I was jumping from one purple cake with a monkey face and tail to another eating some and shunning others, singing "I wanna be a ninja on mtv a ninga n-ninja ninja n-ninja ni ni ni ni". (marcies idea lol)

Then i was rudley awoken by Dr.Elmo slippers sticking a needle the size of me in my arm.Okay mabey not that big. I thought to myself, but it was still pretty big. And can you blame me for screaming bloody murder and punching the guy, imean it waas his fualt for not asking me for permishion, of course i wouldve said no, but he still couldve asked. Anyway he was on the floor unconcious when a fudgeing god came in the door smirking.


Sorry it so short guys but i have to do some stuff. bye bye

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