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Dedication: LouAndI_Larry  for the book cover, story plot, and name. Thank you so much. ❣❣

It's all he does. Every damn night, always around 03:00 a.m. He doesn't say anything. Just stares with a dangerous look in his eyes.

It's scary, it's horrifying, and now, the small smirk that is slowly climbing up onto his lips, makes my body tremble in fear but also shake with curiousness. Why is he always here? What does he want from me?  I'm not special. Just a 22 year old lad from Mullinger, Ireland.

Maybe i should introduce myself.. I don't know. I can't move, I can't think, I'm scared. He's stepped closer now, he's leaning against the wall, staring at me, eyeing me.

I bet he's planning your death
The voices in my head sneered, making me push them away, my heart pounding at how true it could be. This is the sixth week, sixth fucking week this man had been in here, every single damn time, even when we had the bad weather, he would come in drenched and just lean against the wall by the door.

He's never moved this close to me before

That's the terrifying thing

Course, he's always moving closer and closer each new night. Just a footstep, or maybe an inch. Never a full step forward like you would when walking, just slow and steady, and very creepy.

What's that on the bottom of his shoes?

Red mulch, leaving red streaks on the floor, that's all. Can't be anything more. Why should it be anything more? Maybe I should stop over thinking. I doubt he's a horrible person, maybe he's just..mentally ill.

Yeah! That's it, he's just mentally ill, and maybe he's lost. Maybe I give some type of comfort? Doubt that, after all, me mum always said I wasn't the best with sympathy as a little child. I hate trying to comfort people. I hate tears, I hate people's sobbing and the snot running down their faces. It's best to cry when your alone, not with others present.

Did he just lick his lips?
I suddenly think this isn't the safest thing to do as I clear my throat,

"U-uh sir. I-is there something you need?" I ask, cursing the weakness of my voice, the stutter that i thought went away after high-school. Why is he making me feel like this?

And why the fuck did his eyes get a even more dangerous glint in them?

Why is he eyeing the lighters?!

The voices screech, making me more scared. I don't like this. I want to go home. I want Loki, my black and white, to lay on my lap, hold me close. I need his comfort. I need something.  Loki would comfort me. He's such a sweet dog, and I'm glad he's only two years old. I'd cry if he was close to death, he was my only friend, aside from Harry that is.

Where in the fuck did he go!

He's gone. I check the time. 04:30.

Oh god, he's gone. He left and my shift is over in thirty minutes. I can do this. I can..I can't do this. I let out a small, shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves as the clock counts down slowly. 

Come on Niall, breath. I tell myself, gripping my shirt tightly in my hands.  I glance at the clock. 04:40. I spent ten minutes trying to calm myself down.

The bell rings at the front of the store, making me stand up straight.

Shit, he's back and..what the hell is in his hands?!

There in his hands, is some form of small..animal? I can't tell. He dumps it into the trash can at the front of the store, flashing me a dangerous look, bringing his finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. I can see the red mark that's left on his lips once he pulls his finger away.

Niall, calm, it's red mulch. It can't be anything more than red mulch.

He smirks creepily, licking his lips and leaving once more.

Red mulch..doesn't leave marks like that..and even if it did..why would he lick the red liquid away?

I'm shaking. I can feel the start of a panic attack coming along, so I take deep breaths, looking over at the clock for a glance of the time.

04:55. Thank fuck. I couldn't do this anymore. Harry should be coming in soon. It is his shift after mine. I steady myself, gathering my things as the back door opens. A shiver went through my body. Is he coming back? 

"Niall? You here?" A voice calls out. Harry. I breath out in relief,

"Fuck, Harry.." I say, turning around and giving him a huge hug. I need some form of human contact. Someone I care about.

"Hey come on. Let me walk you to your car, yeah? I can tell your shaken up." Harry said, smiling at me. I smile back great fully. He never pushes me to tell him what's wrong. He just gives me a hug, tells me a horrible joke and goes to work.

"Hey ni, why did the dogs cross the street?" He burst into giggles, making me chuckle slightly,

"I don't know, why?" I asked, knowing the joke already. He got it from his favorite band, Five Seconds of Summer's band account.

"To get to the barking lot!" Harry burst into giggles. I have to admit, it was kinda funny, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction that I found it funny. 

Everyone at work never wanted to laugh at Harrys jokes. It was a funny little thing we did to make Harry pout and storm off dramatically to the storage room.

When we arrived at my car, I gave Harry a big hug, kissing his cheek before getting into my car and leaving for home. The thought of the man reaches my mind once more. I shiver and sigh.

I just hope he doesn't show up tomorrow..


1060 words

There we go! I hope it's good enough, I'm writing this in study hall so it may be kinda rushed. If anyone gets confused, just shoot me a comment or a message and I'll answer as quickly as possible! (:

Please remember to


I hope you enjoyed,


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