Saving Jared

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As the HC touched down, Brad and Millie were met by several emergency teams and, men in 'division' attire. He walked straight up to them, and after a hushed conversation walked away shrugging off attention, and pointing towards his pregnant wife.

Millie was still in a Daze, she allowed herself to be led by the medical unit towards the stretcher, yet, when one of the medics touched her stomach, and she lashed out. She caught the offending medic with an uppercut and sent him sprawling to the ground. She felt a sharp jab and turned to see a syringe. An empty syringe. The world slowly went dark.

Brad watched as they put her under, watched in sorrow as they strapped her to the stretcher. Finally he turned around, he had a job to do, a creature as powerful as the shadow shouldn't exist, and he was going to get rid of it, even if he had to kill Jared. As he moved on in silence, he was met by an enforcer.

 "Sir, the demolitions team needs you to guide them to the exact location."

"I'll be there. Just have to restock"


When Millie woke up, there was no Brad sitting next to her like before, but Angie was outside, arguing with a Medic. Millie pressed the button on the right hand side of her cubicle, a sharp shrill pierced her ears. Outside, Angie fell to the floor, screaming silently. Then, as quickly as it came, the pain was gone, replaced by a dull thud in the side of her head. The nurse facing Angie backed away, and when she turned to faced Millie she could see why. Angela's eyes were black, with black tendrils, reaching out from her eye socket.

She held a pained look, like someone or something, was constantly torturing her.  "Save me". The sound she made was barely human, a faint whisper and a deep struggling voice. Millie felt like 2 large speakers had been placed by her ears, in her mind's eye, she saw Bradley, dressed in new combat gear and holding a square holo-pad and shouting out instructions to a ground crew. "I'm still alive". The nurse on the other side of the room fell to the ground, holding her ears. Just as quickly as it came, Angie's eyes turned back into a cool blue and, the dull ache receded.

With ease, Millie jumped off her bed and quickly dressed, she dragged the unconscious nurse into her room. She tied her to the bed and took her key card, along with a set of car keys. Jared was still alive, she had to save him.


Bradley's feelings were conflicted, Jared was a creep, but he was human. Was, whatever he had become, was not his fault. Yet, he had a job to do, with a heavy heart, he began the final demolition process, he was going to eliminate the shadow.


Millie drove as fast as the vehicle would let her, she seemed distracted, in her own world, interrupted only by the angry sounds of drivers swerving out of her way, or her daughter's startled cry at each near death experience. Finally they reached the first marker that they were on the right track; a large, yellow sign giving civilians a reason for a demolitions team, they were going too fast to read it anyway.

There, just ahead, was a checkpoint, they didn't slow down, despite Angie's desperate screams. Millie approached the Barrier at full speed. As they split the pole in two, Angie had time enough to see the guard speak into a phone. As if on cue, sharp metal spikes rose out of the ground, and they were approaching it fast. Millie didn't see it coming. The tires were punctured, and the spikes destroyed the brake system. They were moving at 90 miles per hour. they swerved out of control, Millie spun the wheel right, and the car turned left. They were accelerating down a hill, they felt weightless. The engines whine became higher pitched as it felt no resistance. They hit the ground headfirst. The car bounced and spun, jarring its now unconscious inhabitants even further. Multiple gashes along their faces pulsed with blood.

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