Chapter Seven and a Half: The Two Vampires and How They Met On Halloween

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"Hold me close, sway me more."

Chapter Seven and a Half: The Two Vampires and How They Met On Halloween

-October 31st 1920-

Punch. Punch. Duck. Kick. Kick. Punch. I swung out my leg and knocked my opponent onto the floor. The floor happened to have a mat on it so they didn't crack their head open, although it would take a lot to injure a vampire, unless it was another vampire. I was in the training room of my home, practicing my fighting. I heard someone call my name from behind me and I turned around to see who it was but I was suddenly back first with my opponent hovering over me.

"Never turn your back on your opponent Meredith, not unless you know they are dead, even then there are always loopholes." A voice rang from the other side of the room.

The person got off of me and held a hand out for me to grab. I respectfully took the hand and was pulled off of the floor. I bowed to my opponent who returned the bow before walking away. I tightened my ponytail and brushed the hairs that escaped out of my face. I turned around to come face to face with the person who was previously speaking.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I do not see why you must entertain yourself with this nonsense. You know your father will never allow you to join the league." My mother stated obnoxiously.

"Mother, not everything I do is to indulge father. " I said as I walked around her.

I walked out of the room and I heard the clack of her heels trailing behind me.

"You are a lady of society, start acting like one." My mother lectured me.

"Why so you can marry me off to some vampire lord?" I asked and then turned around to face her. "Or a human one?"

She scoffed. "I would never marry you off to a human. That would be a disgrace."

I rolled my eyes. "It is All Hallows' eve Mother, with or without your permission, I am going out to town."

It was her turn to roll her eyes at me. "Why do you not listen to me? I only care about you."

I sighed. "I know mother, I know."

I walked away and sped up the stairs using my vampire speed. I changed out of my training outfit which consisted of a shirt and trousers and into a dress, proper for a lady. I threw on my heels, gloves and coat. I took my hair out of the pony tail and fixed it up. I sped back downstairs and walked out the front door. I let the door slam behind me, so it alerted my parents that I had left.

I walked down the stairs that led to our front door and made my way to the town. I heard that a new speakeasy opened up from a couple of the girls from the league and I was dying to check it out. They were throwing a party for All Hallows' Eve. Training was fun and all but a girl always needed a break. I used my vampire speed to run all the way there and I stopped before a metal door. I knocked and a slot in the door slid open.

"Password?" The voice on the other side asked me.

"Uh, Domino?" I answered based on the information the girls told me.

The slot was slammed shut and I could hear multiple locks open before the door swung open. I walked into the sight of many, many people. There was jazz music playing and girls in flapper dresses dancing. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves...except for one, and surprisingly it was not me. There was a couple arguing at the bar. The man seemed to be grabbing the women a little too hard for my liking, so I sped over to the couple.

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