Chapter 3

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It was about 9:00 in the morning when David woke up and decided to go and get breakfast praying that Elias wasn't awake. But all of David's hope and praying went right out the window because as he rounded the corner he saw his father sitting at the kitchen table reading today's newspaper and drinking coffee. Noticing a new presence in the room Elias spoke without looking up,

"Good morning David."


"David I said good morning." Elias repeated looking up from the article he was reading. Seeing David preparing a bowl of cereal for himself, Elias asked. "Do you need any help? Or do you want me to wake up Logan and we can all go out to breakfast."

"Well Elias, you can take my brother but I don't want to go anywhere with you." David retorted turning around and giving his father a harsh glare.

Feeling a little discouraged Elias resumed reading his paper and letting the thick silence cloud over the room once again.

After putting the cereal back into the cabinet David went off into the basement to get as far away from Elias as he could. Turning on the T.V and Xbox, David sat back and began playing the latest video game him and Logan recently bought.

After the ordeal his brother and father had, Logan woke up and went into the kitchen and was greeted by the one person he wanted to see the most.

"Morning Logan." Looking up Logan saw his dad standing at the sink washing dishes.

"Morning, wheres David?"

"He's downstairs playing videogames I think. You can go down there with him if you want to."

"No, why would I want to go with David when you just got home?" Logan asked while shrugging and helping dry the dishes.

While eating a cheerful breakfast with Logan, Elias suggested the idea

"How about we go to the beach like when you and David were younger?"

"Yeah! I can show you how well I can surf. Nani would take me everyday after school." Exclaimed Logan.

"Thats amazing Logan! You go get dressed and i'll go get David."

"Okay!!!" And with that Logan got up and ran to hs room to change into his bathing suit.

While Logan was getting dressed Elias went downstiars to gather the oldest Walker child. When Elias got downstairs he heard loud msuic from the game Daivd was playing. Clearing his throat, Elias tried to grab David's attention. The process taking more than one attempt, Elias finally succeded in catching his attention.

"David go get dressed. You, Logan, and I are going to the beach as a family."

"No. I told you earlier that I don't want anything to do with you." David fired back without looking up from the game he was playing. Sighing Elias went over to the T.V and unplugged the power strip that the T.V and Xbox were hooked up to.

"David look at me when I speak to you. I still am your father and I deserve to be treated with respect!" Elias exclaimed.

"No your not. A real father is there for his kids. A real father actually cares about what happens in his kids life. A real father puts his kids needs in front of their own! You're none of those." David screamed while standing and squareing off with Elias.

"I'm not going to repeat my self again. Go get changed, or i will drag you upstairs and force you get dressed myself."

Letting out a loud groan David went upstairs and changed unwillingly into his bathing suit and met his brother and father in the living room.

"Okay you boys ready?" Elias asked looking from Logan to David.
Logan nodded and David said nothing once again and just walked out of the house, entering the back passenger seat of the car.

"Dad what's wrong with David?" Logan asked grabbing a bag full of small snacks and following his dad outside.

"I not entirely sure Logan. Don't let it bother you." Elias responded looking at the youngest Walker with a sad smile.

David sat in the backseat, as far away from his dad as he could. Listening to Logan fill their dad in on all the crazy things they did while he was deployed. David could only sit back and stare out the window thinking of ways to get away from his family. Not so much his little brother, but his dad. What kind of man leaves his children for a long period of time and just stop calling one day?

"WERE HERE!!!" David was scared awake by Logan screaming about them arriving to their destination. Once David saw that they were in fact at the beach he could only smile because he knew he would be able to get far away from his dad. He only hoped Logan wouldn't follow, if he did then that meant Elias was sure to follow. Grabbing his board, David made a quick dash for the blue, salty water not listening to the please from Logan to wait for him. Right now his only focus was to find an escape somewhere off by himself.

"David don't go too far out into the water. I don't want you to get hurt." Elias explained. Whatever thought David, why would you actually care what happened to me? Wadding out to waist deep water, David jumped on the his surf board and began paddling out to find the perfect wave.

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