Chapter 9

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Hey mom it's me. I know it's been a while since I last reached out, but I just wanted to let you know I'm okay. We're both okay, David and I. It's funny that when we were younger it was always drilled into David's head that he needed to watch over me. In return we've taken turns watching over each other. That came about a couple of years ago when him and Dad got into a pretty bad fight. It ended up with me in the hospital and Dad being arrested. The asshole deserves it right?! What kind of father leaves his children in the hands of a stranger for long periods of time! I don't mean that Nani is a complete stranger and that we don't know who she is. I meant it in the sense that she isn't blood. We love her like family and she now is the only family we have. It just would have been nice to go through the important events in life with Dad and you, but unfortunately we never got the chance. After the incident happened a few years ago we haven't heard from him at all. The state pressed charges against him for child abuse and it just wasn't the same after that. Dave and I ended up living with Nani after that. I guess the old man finally realized the family life wasn't for him huh?  I can honestly say now that we're both so much happier with how our life is going. Dave is finally moving out to go to college and Nani and I are moving to Ohio..... Who the hell wants to move to Ohio?! Literally nobody. Since I'm still only a minor I'm being forced to go.
It's going to suck not being in our normal space. Who knows maybe I'll finally be able to change who I am and fix how people look at me.
In school we became known as 'Dave and his little bro' or 'Dave and that smaller blonde kid'. I'm sure you can see that I'm not as big as everyone was hoping I'd be. I get shit at school for only being smaller than my "super amazing jock of an older brother". So that's shitty. The depression hit me hard as hell after everything was said and done. So with that came horrible coping mechanisms. (Excessive drinking, fighting, smoking. Ya know the basics) I know I'm probably contradicting my self now after I told you earlier that we're both happy. I wasn't lying when I said that. I probably should have specified that we NOW are so much happier. There is still some fighting that is happening but not as frequently as before. Anywayssss moving on. There was a lot of therapy and counseling after custody was given to Nani. We finally got to process what actually happened to you. We got to process that Dad didn't really want us. I blame my self because everyone says I look so much like you so it was probably hard for him to look at me. But moving on to less depressing things. (We can cover the rest at another time). But anyways back to the stupid move to Ohio. The house we got is pretty nice I guess. It's nothing compared to the house we lived in back home but I guess it has its own Ohio charm to it. I miss you and I'll talk to you soon. I love yo-

Logan dropped his pen as he heard his guardian yelling up the stairs for him to grab the last box and come outside. It's finally time to leave his hometown behind and move to the boring state known as Ohio. He was all ready to move in with his grandparents but he soon realized that it probably wasn't the best idea and since Nani was his charge there was really was no say in the matter. Today he was moving to Ohio and his best friend, his brother was going off to college. (A college which is thousands of miles away from him).

"Hey little man it's time to say our goodbyes."

Logan looked up to see David leaning on his doorway.

"It isn't goodbye dumbass. It's 'I'll see you later' instead."

"You and that damn attitude of yours will come back and bite you in the ass. And I don't be there to protect you. So you better watch yourself."

"Ya well you can go fuck off because I'm capable of handling myself." Logan belted out while shoving a box in his older brothers arms. They both carried the last few boxes down to the moving truck and stopped to look at the house one more time.

Here's to the rest of their lives and who knows what the future will bring. Happiness? More destruction? Logan tried to not think about the possible negative events that can happen as he hugged his brother. Who knows if this will be the last time the can hold each other. It seems the way his life goes that there is a good chance this could be the last time. Logan is determined to make sure to keep his little broken family together as long as possible. So here goes nothing....


AHHHHHHH IM SORRY! But I'm back and hoping having enough material prepared to kelp y'all reading!

But anyways enjoy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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