Chapter 13

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Mackenzie's POV
I twirl around letting the flashlight hit all of the trees. I'm in the center of the woods, in a small clearing, twirling to show my freedom. I hear the snap of a stick breaking under someone's feet. I shoot up, shining the light that way. "Hello?" I call out, hoping to see something. I hear the bushes shake. I twist around. "Who's there?" I yell. Footsteps. "I know you there!" I yell. I spin around in a circle, noise after noise, not knowing what to do. No. It's Chloe. It has to be. "Mackenzie" a quiet voice calls. I jerk back. "Who's there" I yell. " Mackenzie. Run. Run Mackenzie. Run," it whispers. Run? Wha- suddenly I see a black figure closing in on me. Slowly coming closer and closer. I hold back my scream, and turn to run. Another approaching me at the same place. I turn again another. Turn. another. Turn. Another. Turn. Another. All surrounding me. All wearing black hoods. All out to get me. Finally, they ll stop where they are, inches away from me.

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