This is No Martyrdom

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“….BUCKMOW!” a loud voice practically screamed into my face. I sat up, confused about my whereabouts, finally waking.

“Why so…surprised? You’re at my house, sleeping ugly.” that same voice said, having a deep German accent. I looked over to see my best friend since…freshman year wide-eyed and already dressed.

“What.. wh-why am I up so early, Sara?” I asked, looking at her alarm clock which read “6:30”

“Well… We have school today, and Friday I heard Amber say that Jayce and Brent are coming to our school today” she said while jumping on the bed, causing me to get dizzy.

Jayce Skultety and Brent Harding coming to our school today? All the more reason to stay home. They were the biggest players in our small town in Washington, Yelm to be exact. Since its such a small place, everyone knows everyone, thus rumors spread like a wild fire. The rumors I’ve recently heard about Jayce was that he and Brent spray painted the principal’s office with… male parts… so now they have to come to my school. But I’ve also heard other things like that Brent chose to sleep with his English teacher to get a good grade and Jayce was there.. more stuff like that.

“You know I could care less about those two diphthongs.” I said while getting up and yawning. Sara handed me some of her wardrobe to put on, which she very often did when I stayed at her house on a school night. Today’s uniformity was this-

“Yes I know but- oh I put your toiletries in the bathroom.” She said when I went towards my bag.

“Thanks.” I said, trudging towards the bathroom. When I closed the door I noticed she followed me, but continued talking outside the door while I got ready.

“Like I was saying….” she said continuing on about why SHE thought they were kicked out of the school. I really didn’t give a damn…so I wasn’t really listening. When I finally finished, she was also done fascinating over men I don’t care about. We did our usual routine of going to star bucks when we left her house and going straight to school. I noticed a lot of people huddled in one area, most of those people were girls, so Jayce and Brent must be here.

“Wow…that’s pretty sad.” I said when I saw Jayce giving Brent a piggyback ride, while some girl played with his hair. I also noticed a shy looking girl walking away from the crowd, and towards the school. Interesting.

“Nah. I don’t think so. I mean look at them! It’s like seeing a famous person, or something.” She said as she parked her car in our usual spot.

“More like infamous.. I hear they’re both conceited and vain.. and jerks.” I said as I grabbed my penguin bag from the car, starting for the school.

“And who might those two be, ma’am?” I heard someone ask from behind me. I turned around to see- of course. Jayce fricking Skultety and Brent goddamn Harding. Brent looking past me to Sara, and Jayce looking straight at me with an amused look on his face.

“That wouldn’t be us, now would it?” Brent asked Sara, smiling casually.

“N-no.. of course not…Why would it be?” Sara said walking up next to me and still looking at Brent.

“Because it is. I don’t fancy your company.. So goodbye.” I tried, but Jayce put out his arm to stop me.

“But I fancy yours…” He said leaning down as if to kiss me. Not going to happen. I childishly pinched his arm to make his let go and he did. He looked confused.

“Well… I may have to study you a bit longer…see you around, GINGAH!” He said while him and Brent walked away from us.

“Wow…” Sara said dreamily.

“Yeah. Wow. ”I agreed. He’s not going to leave me alone. Greeeeat….

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