He actually cares.

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"Ok Lucas where are you taking me?" I said as he dragging me along.

I don't like having to depend on him. I don't like depending on anyone really. But something about him leading me makes me feel safe. It's almost a nice feeling.

"We're almost there just hang on." He said continuing to pull me along.

After a few more minutes, we were here. You know where this hopalong decided to take me an art museum. Why would he bring me here? He knows I'm done with all that stuff.

"Why did you bring me here?" I said with a straight face, try to make sure Lucas knows I'm unamused.

"Maya, stop. You know why I brought you here." He said with the exact same expression.

I felt my face getting hot, "Lucas I don't want to be here." I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"Maya I know you don't want to be here, but you need to be here." He said wiping away the tear.

"Don't touch me! Lucas I can't do this." I said, getting really angry.

"Why Maya? Why can't you come in this museum with me and enjoy the art?" He said getting louder. Which actually made him more attractive. I don't know why, but I've always liked angry Lucas. Anyway back to our conversation, even though I'm about to break down.

"Lucas. I can't go in there, because I know I'll never be in there." I said almost confusing myself, but continued confidently.

"Huh?" He said with no anger, just confusion.

"I will never have a piece in a museum and going in there will be too painful." I said trying to avoid certain topics.

"Maya, if you really wanted to you could be featured in an art museum! You're amazing, but ever since your mom you've just stopped. Stopped showing anyone anything!" He screamed not at me but to try to get me to understand his passion he was loud. It's nice to see someone passionate about my art.

I didn't respond mostly because I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to tell him, even though I think it's inevitable considering he's my only friend.

After a few minutes of just looking at each other, I said, "Thank you."

"Thank you? For what?" He asked confused at my response.

"For caring about me." I said.

"Maya I've always cared about you." He said looking a little odd.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I just don't get how someone couldn't care about you?" He said.

"Lucas I need to tell you something." I said abruptly, without even thinking.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"It can't be here. Shawn isn't home today. We can go to my house."

All he said was "ok" and then he followed me to my house.

------at Maya's house------

What I'm about to tell him is scary for me. When he asked if I trusted him I originally said sure, but I didn't actually mean it. I realize now that he's someone who actually seems to care about my happiness and its been a long time since I've been happy. I want to be happy. So maybe this will be my step towards happiness.

We walked in the living room and no one was there, Shawn had this photo shoot thing he told me he'd be back late tonight and that I could just go to the Matthews for dinner. I didn't tell Shawn about me and Riley I didn't want him worry or say something to Mr. Matthews.

"So what do you need to tell me Maya?" Lucas asked after a few minutes of being in my house not saying anything.

"I've never told anyone this Lucas. Please tell me I can trust you." I asked nervously.

"You can always trust me." He said with a slight grin.

"What are you grinning about, huckleberry?" I said, I'm starting to regret bringing him here.

"Nothing, I just really want you to trust me." He said.

"Ok." I walked towards my art room, no one else has been in here since it happened. Everyone mostly thinks I've given up on art, they think that I'm fine since it happened. Well they're wrong, I'm so messed up and I need to have someone understand me.

I open the door just a crack, and then I pause nervously.

"Maya I care about you please let me in, I want to help." He said and with that I opened the door completely.

Broken ~ A Lucaya/Laya storyWhere stories live. Discover now