Chapter 13

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"Can I ask you a question?" Dan asked as I lay on my side in his arms that night. The lights from the skyscrapers around us gave off enough light for me to see him in the dim room. Dan had been massaging my hip but had stopped when he asked his question. "You can but I might not answer." I cheekily replied.

"Are you a virgin?" I tensed up at the question, and thought for a moment on how to reply. In that moment Dan filled the silence, "I asked Mike but he wouldn't tell me, he told me 'That is the one bit she will tell you.' You don't have to, just yes or no?"

"I'm not a virgin." Was all I said as Dan pulled me closer trying to avoid touching my sore back.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to me, "I'm so, so sorry."

"That's why I have to wait." I told him, "So I know that you won't hurt me."

"And I promise to wait as long as it takes." Dan kissed me as I rolled away from him.

"Will you put that cream on my back?" I asked, keen to change the subject.

"Sure." He got up and went to get the cream.

"I'm sorry if it hurts." Dan whispered, sitting behind me and stroking the tip of his finger down a cut, the normal tingling sensation drowned out by the sharp sting of the open wound.

"It's okay." I whispered gripping the quilt and biting my lip to hold in the scream that threatened to emerge, the soft cotton was smooth against my fingers and comforting to hold.

"I know it hurts, but just try to bare with it." Dan reached over my body with a hand and I took it to replace the comfort of the blanket. I was surprised at how soft his hands were against mine, Soft but far from weak I reminded myself.

I swallowed and winced as the cold cream met my back, it felt like it was burning in to the cuts but I knew this meant it was working. I twisted my head to look over my shoulder at Dan's face as he lightly rubbed it in. When he was done, Dan got up and put the cream away before lying in front of me on his back and putting his arm out to use as a pillow. He kissed my head once more before we went to sleep.

I wasn't in Dan's bed, I was in a basement. Cold and dark, but I recognised it. Beginning to hyperventilate as I struggled to free my wrists from the rough, bristly, rope that held me on my tiptoes and in that dream. I panicked as the door began to open at the top of the stairs. I could hear the heavy footsteps of work boots as they started down towards me. There were exactly nineteen steps between them and me. Nineteen thuds of those boots. I struggled more, the ropes biting in to my wrists and a burning pain in my back. I couldn't let those boots reach me, dream or not, I didn't dare to think what may happen if they did.

"Emily." A mans voice called. No, they didn't know my name, I had been given a new identity.

With four steps to go my hands slipped out of the rope.

"Emily." He called again and I jolted awake in bed.

Dan instantly pulled me over to him and held me tightly as I sobbed, neither of us concerned about my back, just my state.

"It was my parents." I told him.

"It's alright." Dan held me and let me cry, "It's okay, they're not going to touch you. They couldn't."

"I know." I whispered as Dan stroked my hair, his fingers lightly massaging my scalp. He opened his mouth a few times to suggest something but closed it again when he realised his idea probably would be of no use.

He eventually offered, "Let's go and get a drink."

I nodded and he helped me out of the bed and through to the main room.

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