Chapter 8

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I'm sorry it's a day late! New computer needed organising before I could post. Enjoy and remember to comment and vote please!

That evening I sat watching TV on my own. Claire was on the phone with Kenzie talking about some new device for hacking systems, while Sam had gone out for a run as if she hadn't already done enough exercise that day. I picked up my phone as it received a text. "How the hell did he get my number?" I whispered too quietly for Claire to hear.

Dan- I just saw Sammy running past the park. Meet me there in ten minutes or I will follow her back to yours.

I bristled slightly at the message, not only did he have the nerve to get my number from somewhere, but he used my friends name as if he'd known her for years. I'd hardly told him anything about my best friends, least of all their names. Where was he getting his information?

Emily- It's ten minute walking from here. I will meet you but I can't guarantee how soon. I'm guessing you mean Squires Wood?

I heard Claire's voice drop as she headed into her room, the topic of conversation shifting from work to play as she straightened a pencil on her desk. I'd heard enough of these phone calls to know where it was leading, it would be best if I took my leave there and then. Dan still hadn't replied though, and not wanting to run into Sam, I took a slightly longer route to my destination.

I headed to the quiet corner of the park, away from the play area, and the popular path that most dog walkers followed. The sparsely lit area was a deterrent to most people, but I knew it was where I needed to be to find him. Sat on the loneliest bench in the park reading a newspaper as if he was the most normal person in the world.

As I neared the bench the scent of his aftershave hit me like a brick wall, I bit back a moan. How could I stay mad at him when I even loved his smell?

"Was this you?" Dan asked as I sat down and he showed me a newspaper headline about the robbery in Italy.

"Maybe." I shrugged. I threw a glare at him, arms crossed., "Did we have to meet? It's getting hard to explain to Sam and Claire. I can't just run out for milk every time you want to see me."

"I'm sorry, but you're too attractive for me to stay away." Dan put his arm around me. I felt like I should shrug him off but I simply didn't want to.

"Thank you," I smiled slightly, relaxing my shoulders and resting my hands in my lap, "I'm sorry about at the club. I was just upset and stressed at the time."

"It's okay," He sighed. "I shouldn't have made you choose between me and work."

I leant in to his warm body and closed my eyes briefly, taking in his smell, a mix of a pine forest, and damp air. It reminded me a little of the summer Mike had taken me to a lake house in the middle of a forest in America. I was a little disappointed when the pleasant smell was overridden by his aftershave and a hint of alcohol, "I do miss you too and I do find you very attractive. I want to see you and be with you but..."

"But what?" Dan pressed and I shook my head, sitting up and looking away from him. My hand gripped my thigh, as it always did when I was stressed.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does," Dan nodded, reaching out for my hand that gripped my thigh. My eyes locked with his for a split second as I relaxed a fraction.

Breaking my gaze away from him, I mumbled, "You already know,"

"What, I'm the enemy?" Dan guessed with a sigh. He was so easily frustrated whenever I ruined his plans.

"But it's not just that." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, realising he wasn't the only frustrated one.

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