Chapter 7

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Late the next morning, I walked into the reception at HQ. It had been ages since I'd come this way.. All too often we took the shortcut via Kenzie's lab but it was just as nice coming through the front door.

"Morning Emily." Mark smiled as he stepped out of a lift with Angela.

I smirked. "Ready for a rematch yet?"

"Any time any place!" Angela winked as we passed. As the lift doors began to close there was a cry from across the reception of, "Mummy!" I had to smile at the sight of Angela's little boy running to her arms as the lift doors snapped the final inch shut.

Stepping out of the lift I looked to the desk outside of Mike's office, Alessia was at her desk, tapping away at the computer, but paused when she noticed me.

"Is he free?" I asked as I pointed to the closed door.

She smiled, pulling off her glasses and setting them on the desk,"You know he's always free for you,"

I shook my head, glancing again to the door, "And you know I hate interrupting meetings!"

"He ought to be done soon, shall I tell him you're here?" She offered, her Italian accent slipping back into her English words

"No." I shook my head, taking a seat in one of the leather chairs against the wall, "Thanks. I'm not in a rush today."

Alessia laughed, the sound light and happy. "That's got to make a change."

" I even came through the front door." I joked.

Alessia smiled opening a folder and slotting in some loose papers, "That is a rare occasion."

"What is?" Mike asked as he showed another gentleman out of his office.

I smiled standing up, "I'll tell you in a minute."

"Alessia, will you show Mr. Carlton out please?" Mike asked.

"Of course Mr. Bradley." Alessia smiled while I internally groaned. Everyone in the office was on first name terms, it was only when someone very official came in that our formal titles were used. That meant Mr. Carlton was important, and me, I was dressed in my scruffs.

"Nice to see you again Mike." Mr. Carlton waved as he left.

"And you!" Mike waved and turned to me as the lift door shut, "To what do I owe the pleasure Sweet?"

I sighed and shook my head, unsure where to start with the whole Dan situation.

"Oh dear," Mike stated stepping back into his office, "I don't like that look." He comically peaked around the door to the lift, "Are you sure it's not something Angela should talk to you about?"

I had to laugh, give Mike arms dealers over girl problems any day. When I was younger we were lucky to have Angela around so often, staying home with her little boy.

"She's just been to pick Andy up," I told him, "So, I'm afraid it's down to you."

Mike tutted and rolled his eyes, "Come on then."

We both took a seat in the comfy corner of Mike's office, him in the big leather armchair, me sprawled out on the matching sofa.

"So is it about this dance partner?" Mike asked, probably wanting to check out his record.

"Unfortunately." I sighed and looked up to the ceiling. "Turns out neither of us were being entirely truthful about who we really were."

"What do you mean?" Mike sat up a little and raised an eyebrow.

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