chapter 22

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Trell's Pov

I was at home when I heard the news about us killing Aug and Tee. They were cool, Aug even made me get over the death of Heather. Even though he didn't know her or wasn't there when she died.

He still helped me and I respected him for that. August knows how it feels to loose someone you love.

August is the best person you could have as a friend he'll help you when your down and he'll go out of his way to make sure you're straight. Aug will never leave you hanging.

But if he's loyal to you and you fuck him over he'll kill your ass.

Tinashe, on the other hand is such a great person under all her hoodness and hard core self she's a really sweet person. She's very caring and she's a great listener she's funny and has a great since of humor. She's like the little sister I never had.

I think she's the perfect one for Aug. I know they go way back but they know how to brighten each other's day. When they see each other you could see the spark in their eyes.

That's how it was with me and Heather at first, she was like my best friend until I fell for her and we became a couple.


I pulled up to Honey's house and I knocked on the door and she let me in. I sat down on her couch and Mijo was already there.

"So how do ya'll feel about the killing Aug and Tee?" I asked.

"They family, I can't do it." Mijo said.

"Tee's my girl and if I kill Aug she would kill me she don't play when it comes to Aug." Honey said.

"We should tell Tee and Aug what Cash is up to." Mijo suggested.

"But first we should make a plan to kill Cash, then we tell Tee and Aug so they can go along with the plan." Honey said.

"That's great we'll do that so first lets discuss this plan." I said.

August's Pov

I got a call from Trell, Honey, and Mijo telling me and Tee some plan that Cash had to kill us. They set up a plan of their own to kill Cash.

To me, I couldn't believe that Cash wanted to kill me. After all I did for him, including taking that bullet for him that's low as fuck.

Tinashe's Pov

August put his phone on speaker so I could hear the plan to kill Cash. He was my boss and kind of like a friend but I guess not since he wants to kill people over money.

I took one of the purses that August bought me and I went downstairs and put my guns in it. I put the gun that I always kept between my couch cushions, the gun in my bathroom cabinet, the gun under my pillow, and last but not least the gun that I keep in my closet all in my purse.

I was ready for whatever Cash had planned. That's why our motto was always trust none.

Will they kill Cash?
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