Chapter 6: Meet My Mother

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Veronica's POV:

I had to kiss him, I couldn't contain myself much longer. One look at his vulnerability and that did it for me.

As he stood before me, fear evident in his expression I knew then that I would stick by his side and never leave him no matter the situation. Good or bad I wanted to stand by him and give him all the moral support he needed.

"I promise im not leaving your side" I said once we broke away from our electrifying kiss

He looked up at me, staring deep into my eyes, I wasn't intimidated and I wasn't going to break away from his gaze, I wanted to let him know that my intentions were pure and I meant what I said.

"You say that now because you have no idea what you're getting yourself into, the nightmare I'm living... It's not going away until I kill him."

He was filled with anger and pain, he could barely even look at me.

I stepped closer towards him, grabbing his chin with both my hands forcing him to look at me.

"Try me"

His eyes were beginning to water, he opened his mouth as if he was about to say something when suddenly we both heard the words "AHEM"

We both quickly turned our heads to see who it came from when I noticed it was my mother.

Oh no. What time is it??? I've been dodging my parents these past two days.

My mom is certainly going to embarrass me and say something bitchy to Kyle, I could feel it. She was nice when she wanted to be but 99% of the time she was a total BITCH.

"Where the hell have you been these past two days? You didn't even bother to call us and let us know you were alive"

I rolled my eyes at her and glared with hate. "Seriously? Do you always have to be rude in front of my friends? You didn't even bother introducing yourself or at least ACTING like a civil mother"

That's it. I'm dead once we get home.

She raised her eyebrow and folded her arms as she stared intensely at me and Kyle

"And who are you young man?"

Kyle looked surprised but it was quickly masked by his powerful stare.

Are my mom and Kyle having a stare off? Omg this is getting worse by the second, he hasn't even answered her.

I elbowed him and gave him a look that said 'ANSWER HER NOW'

"My name is Kyle" he said in a monotone voice

My mom was definitely not happy and she definitely did not approve already.

Damn you Kyle, why couldn't you have just kissed her ass?! He owes me big time for this.

"Home. NOW" she said as she began walking towards the house

Once she was out of sight I turned to look at Kyle and punched his arm, "Why did you do that? Why couldn't you have been a little polite? Can't you see she's satan and she'll literally ban me from seeing you ever again"

He shrugged like it was no big deal "one: I didn't like the way she was talking to you. I get she's your mom but you deserve respect, you're not a kid. You're 18. Second: she couldn't ban you from seeing me even if she tried"

My heart sank to my stomach and the butterflies were back. I couldn't help but smile like a fool.

I didn't respond to him, instead I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him towards me as I gave him a powerful kiss.

I pushed him back and began walking towards my house as I turned quickly, giving him a mischievous grin.


Once I was inside I made sure to slam the door as hard as I could.

The house was dark and my dads car wasn't outside and suddenly it clicked. My mom was acting like a total bitch because my dad wasn't home.

A little background story on my life. From the outside we may seem like the perfect family. Handsome dad, beautiful mom, beautiful daughter with a big o'l house and beautiful cars...

But the truth was, we were a sad family. We moved constantly because of my dad's job and as if that wasn't enough my dad had three to four mistresses every town or city we moved to.

My mom was well aware of his infidelities, so she turned to alcohol to numb her pain. It's funny, she was like those stay at home moms that drank martinis and got drunk during the day. She had her days where she would be drunk and she would be a happy drunk, swaying and kissing my cheeks, saying the sweetest things to me like "One day baby girl, we are leaving your dad and leaving on our own out in the country." Then she had her days were she was angry and took it out on EVERYONE but my dad. I hated that side of her.

Truth be told I missed my old mom. Back before she turned to alcohol she was my favorite person in the world. I told her all my secrets and we'd always laugh about the stupidest things. We would watch Friends re-runs and she'd bake me her famous double chocolate cookies. She barely even makes them now.

Those times are long gone and I hold on to those memories with everything I've got.

As I began to walk towards the dark house, I was startled when I heard my mom emerge from the kitchen.

I turned on the lights from the living room and there she was. Drunk, with a martini class full of vodka.

"It's about fucking time. No one is ever in this fucking house and we just moved here. You'd expect your dad to at least pretend we're a happy family while we adjust to our new surroundings" she paused taking a big sip from her glass "I guess he found himself a young little whore assistant to fuck while me and you stay at home like idiots"

I closed my eyes in pain. I hate when she does this, I hate it. I hate it. I fucking hate it.

I ignored her words and walked closer to her. I grabbed her arms and walked her towards the master bedroom up the stairs.

"I don't wanna go upstairs" she slurred as the words came out of her mouth

"Mom just get some rest please. I'm not in the mood to hear this right now"

She stopped and turned to look at me, her face was furious. I had officially awakened the monster inside her.

Just as I was about to say something to calm her down, BAM. She slapped me across the face.

Tear began emerging from my eyes as I grabbed my throbbing cheek. I couldn't even look at her because if I did, I'd do something crazy like slap her back and brake all her vodka bottles.

I stomped up the stairs ignoring everything she said, wanting to get away from it all and be alone in my room.

I slapped the door hard, making sure to lock it as well, I didn't want her coming in and make more of a scene.

"And you can forget about ever seeing that boy Veronica, you're grounded" she screamed from downstairs, making the tears already coming down my face, come down even harder.

I threw myself on my bed and cried till there were no more tears left.

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