Iceland x Pregnant Reader

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"Wait what do you mean you changed your mind??"

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I can't be a single mom, this whole breakup was last minute. He just decided he didn't want to be a dad anymore."


"I am so, so sorry (Y/N)."

You just hang up. You know it's completely inappropriate but you don't know what to do. You don't know what you're going to do now. You're fucked.



"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"They...they don't want the baby anymore."

Your boyfriend puts his face in his hands.

"What do we do with her?" You ask, touching your stomach. "We can't just give her to an orphanage, that's the last thing I want to do at this point."

"We're in high school. It's not like we have much of a choice."

"Well, the thing is..." This is the main difference between men and women, but you don't tell him that. You only tell him this. "For six months I've had another human living inside me. Everything I eat, she eats. Everything I do with my body affects her in some way. I feel like even after she's born she'll always be a part of me. I feel like it's my responsibility to make sure she's at least in good hands, that she'll grow up with a stable family, and not in some orphanage where they cram unwanted kids united by hope that someday someone will care about them."

Emil just stares at you wide eyed.

"But now we know we can't trust anybody."

"What exactly happened?"

"The man realized he didn't want to commit to a child. Typical," you say with a bitter taste in your mouth.

"Typical?" Emil says, kind of defensively.

"I'm not trying to be sexist. I know you didn't really ask for..." You gesture towards your stomach. "This. And I didn't either. And most of the time-I'm not talking about you-the guy ends up ditching the girl because he doesn't want to deal with the responsibility. That's what happened to Elizabeta, now she can't raise this baby because she's all by herself."

"Roderich is a dick," Emil says. "Not all guys are like him."

"I'm not saying all guys are like him, come on."

"That's what it sounds like."

"Look, I have known a LOT of people-"

"Name one." Emil is taking this way too personally. You blow up.


Emil goes pale (aka turns into a snowman).

"I'm sorry," he says.

"I'm sorry I offended you. I'll leave." You are about to turn around and walk home, but Emil grabs your wrist.

"No, look I'm really really sorry, I shouldn't have taken those things you said personally. I got upset because I've been thinking to myself a lot about, you know, family."

You look at him confused.

"I sensed Roderich and and Liz's relationship going down south and kind of guessed that something would happen with the adoption, but I didn't say anything because you're always so stressed. But I think to myself every day about how, like you said there's a human living inside you? Basically that's you realizing you're a mom. And it's kind of coming to me now that I'm, like, a dad. And that's crazy because were so young and stuff and this wasn't supposed to happen but-"

You cut Emil off by kissing him. He rests his hand on your stomach, and something violently punches you from the inside.

"Gah!! She kicked me really hard." You wince.

"She knows her daddy. And she knows he won't disappoint her."

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