Italy x reader

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Dedicated specially to DubStepBrony1987


You're so worn out. Your stupid (least favorite color) dress is making you sweaty and hot, but you had to wear it because it was a grade to dress up for your class debate.

But finally it's the end of the day, and you get to go home and change.

"Y/N!" You hear your BFF Feliciano Vargas calling you from behind. Next thing you know you're being jump hugged.

"Hey Feli." You groan.

"Y/N!! Come to Pasta Bella with me!"

Going to a fancy restaurant in your sweaty condition? No. "Uh, I think I need to go home and change first."

"No need! Please go with me pleeeeease?!" You feel yourself being swung side to side. It's amazing how fast Feli wins you over with his cuteness and charm.

"Okay fine."

"YAAAAAAY!!!!!!" Feliciano drags you to his cherry red Ferrari and you sit down in the passenger seat. You start to feel good about getting good food with a good friend.

At the occasional glance at your friend, you notice he is wearing slacks. He's more dressed up than usual.

"Hey Feli, why're you so dressed up?"

Feliciano looks extremely flustered. "Eh-uh, I don't know, I just-a felt like it..."

You look down at your dress, and think of the Italian restaurant.

"Is this a date?" You ask.

This causes Feli to swerve and almost hit a Subaru. There's violent honking behind you.

"No! No way! I would-a NEVER-"

"That's ok, I'm just teasing," you smile.

Feliciano pulls up in front of the restaurant. When you go in, he holds the door open for you. You're a little confused. Not that you don't appreciate his politeness, it's just out of character.  Usually he lets the door slam in his friends' faces and laughs.  Especially Kiku.  

On your way to the table, you trip on your own feet. Feliciano immediately grabs your hand before you fall. That hand to hand contact makes your face heat up.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Eh-yeah. Yeah I'm good," you answer, flustered and stuttering. You wish you could keep holding his hand, but he lets go as soon as you stand up. This makes you sad.

~time skip brought to you by mine turtle (because I'm lazy)~

While you're eating your (favorite pasta dish), Feli is acting really squirrelly. He is barely eating is own pasta, and usually he just slurps it right up.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yeah?" You look at him with a noodle hanging out of your mouth.

"Could I try some of your pasta?"

"Oh, oh yeah sure." You push the bowl out towards him, but he doesn't touch it. Instead he looks at your mouth. You're a little confused and honestly freaked out.

Then he grabs the noodle hanging out of your mouth between his fingers, puts it in his mouth, and slurps it until your faces smash together.

He then sneaks his tongue inside of your mouth to grab the last of the pasta.  You're left shaking and blushing furiously from that rough moisture on your tongue.

Feliciano sits back in his chair and smiles like nothing ever happened.

"That was tasty, bella," he whispers and winks.  

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