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It's a nice day today. The sun is out, the sky is blue, and I am going to sit outside and read my book.

I need to get out for a little bit. The house has been cramped and I've been left with feelings I don't understand or prefer to think about. In these times, I turn to my books.

I sit on a park bench and begin to read.


Mein God, he's found me. The feelings are coming up again. Nein! Focus on the book.

"Germany!" Now he's sitting on the park bench next to me. I'm screwed, I can't just push down my feelings now. They're stronger than ever. Italy and I, alone on a bench together, without Japan...NEIN STOP IT!!!

I force my face into my book. Italy begins to poke my hand. I keep my face as straight as possible.

"Hey hey Germany! What are you doing? Can we go play football can we?!"

Mein God, he is so cute...I barely look at him out of the corner of my eye and say "Nein I'm reading," in the most monotone voice possible.

Italy pokes my hand so rapidly it almost hurts and whines "But it's so pretty outside! Come on please play football with me!"

I turn my head to look at Italy and quickly look back to my book so he wouldn't see I am blushing. Because I probably am.

When I wrote in my diary that Italy is my only friend, I meant it. But even in my diary, I can't write down my deepest feelings. I wanted to scratch out everything and write about how Italy is not just my only friend, he is the center of my world. Ever since that Italian man stumbled his way into my life, it hasn't been the same. I train him so hard and go way harder on him than Japan because he isn't that tough, and I need him to be strong because if ANYTHING were to happen to him...if one day I WEREN'T there to save him...

Well I guess it's a good thing I didn't write all that down, because that diary ended up in the dirty Allies' hands anyways.

Currently, Italy is slapping my hand in between his two and endlessly mumbling things like "Germany" and "football." Even if I told him these soul crushing feelings I have for him, he probably wouldn't really understand, let alone feel the same way. All he really cares about in life is pasta and playing around.

I suddenly feel warm moisture forming around my eyes. Am I...tearing up?!


"Germany?" I feel my hand being squeezed. I look down at Italy with my wet eyes.

"Are you okay?"

I blink and the tears come slowly falling. Then more and more come out.

"OH NO!! GERMANY WHAT'S A WRONG?!" Italy immediately puts his arm around me to comfort me. What a good, kind soul he is. I squeeze my eyes shut and bend over. Who am I, to think someone like him could ever want someone like me...

"If YOU'RE crying, it must be REALLY bad!!"

"Italy can you leave me alone right now?"

"But I'm-a worried!"

"No, I just really need to be alone!!"

There's silence for a moment. Then Italy says, "It wasn't...something I did, was it?"

I look right up at him and say, "No. You didn't do anything. But it's complicated and I need you to leave."

Italy looks so hurt. He puts his head down a little and says, "Okay."

I immediately regret what I did. He must think I hate him. I'm not going home for as long as possible, I'm just staying here. Maybe I'll even stay the night here. Maybe I'll just LEAVE.

~time skip three hours later~

"Okay, I'm hungry. I'm going back home."

As soon as I get home, I smell...wurst?! Who made wurst?!

I run in through the door and see Italy smiling in a chef's hat next to a table full of food. My heart melts.

"Surprise! I made you your favorite wurst so you would forgive me for being annoying! Japan made the rice! I didn't make pasta because I thought that would make you more annoyed by me. So, I guess this is my way of saying I'm sorry. I don't know what I did, but still, I'm sorry."

Without thinking, I rush over and throw my arms around the small Italian. Since he is so light, I pick him up and twirl him around. He whoops in laughter.

I set him down and we look into each other's eyes. His eyes sparkle, and he does this smile. The one smile that I absolutely cannot resist.

My heart practically beats out of my chest and I lose it. I get down on my knees and place my hands on his shoulders.

"Germany what are you-"

"I love you."

Italy blinks.

I say it again because it felt so good. "I love you." There's the slightest shade of pink on Italy's cheeks that encourages me.

"I love you. I love you. I love you I love you I love-Mein god I can't stop saying it-I love you Italy."

Italy is biting his lower lip and trembling a little. He is as red as his brother's tomatoes. Then a huge smile just breaks out on his face and he throws his arms around my neck and

Mein God




After our lips part Italy leans his forehead against mine and whispers, "I love you too."

All of my dreams have come true.

Hetalia x Reader One Shots (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now