Chapter 9

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Y/N's pov...

I knocked on E.J's door, waiting for him to open. A moment later a shirtless, blue masked guy stood in the door. "What?" He spat yawning. "I was wondering if I could have one of your kidneys?" I ask crossing my arms.

"No way. Why? You don't even eat them" He complains. "Well, I just wanted one today. Besides, I'm half not-human so I guess that explains it" I try and he lets out a sigh. "One. But only one" I nod and he closes the door. I turn around only to be met by a pair of wide brown eyes. Madalyn.

"Uhm, you ok there?" I ask waving a hand in front of her eyes. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine" She replies, a blush glued to her face. She didn't stop staring at E.J's door though. "Were you going to talk to him or?" I ask confused pointing at the door. "What? No. I could never do that" She replies and shakes herself out of whatever trance she was in.

"Ok. I'm just going to leave" I slowly turned around walking away, leaving the curly head behind. Or so I thought. "Wait!" I hear her call as her footsteps are following me. "I know we had a bad start and I want to make it up to you" She says cheery. "Madalyn, that's really nice of you but for the moment being, I'm not interested in some make-up thing" I reply annoyed as I roll my eyes.

"But I want to be your friend. Clocky said you needed some new friends after all" She begs and I let out a loud groan before I stop and turn to look at her. "Look, I don't need you as my friend. I don't need 'friends' at all. And besides, before I died I mentioned that no one was going to mention that slut nearby me so why don't you shut your stupid mouth before I'll personally sew it shut for you, and leave me alone!" I shout before stomping away leaving her speechless.

"Well someone's being grumpy" I hear a male voice say. Jeff. "Shut up Jeff, I don't need you to tell me anything for the moment" I snap as I turn to him, seeing him leaned against the door frame. Shirtless as well. "Done staring yet sweetie?" He smirks and I pretend to gag by his words.

"You're such a bitch. Admit it, I do look pretty hot" He poses for me and I just laugh at him. "Sure you do honey. You're sweet as sugar, sweetheart" I mock and he sticks his toungue out at me.

"By the way, you smell nice. Did you just come out of the shower?" I ask curious, realising how stupid I am since he was only in a towel. "No, I just came from the trash can" He says sarcastic and I laugh.

"I bet Jane would like you like this" I smirk, but he looks away. "What? Did I say something wrong?" I ask worried as I frown. "No, it's fine. I hate Jane" He says before turning to leave, only to almost get hit my one of my hatchets with a cm. "What the hell, y/n?!" I cross my arms before glaring at him and grabbing my hatchet.

"Tell me. What is it?" I say harsh. He let's out a sigh. "Jane left" He breaths out and I raise an eyebrow. "Left where? It's not like she's staying gone forever" I try. "No, it's different. She left for Zalgo's army" He finished as he runs a hand through his damping hair. "She what? How could she do that?!" I shout as I stomp my heel on the floor. "Would you quit that? It's not like we're the only ones here" He whisper yells. "It's freaking 8am, I exprect the new commers to be awake. Same with the others. Besides, You're awake" I smile. "Still, a lot of them are still sleeping and I don't want trouble" He defends and I roll my eyes.

"Just, leave it. It doesn't matter" With that he went into his room, about to closee the door until I ran into his room knocking him off his feet. "Would you please?!" He yells as he gets back to his feet.

"Well, I need you to tell me when she left" I say as I sit on his bed. "Your bed is really comfortable by the way" I inform as I bounce twice. "Thanks?" He says and I chuckle. "She left the day we came back from the dead" I nod and he sat down beside me. "How are you feeling about this?" I ask calmer now.

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