Chapter 2

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Toby's pov...

After coming out of the portal, i landed in a strange house. I looks like it's burned, but i don't know.
Why does this feel so familiar?
I began walking a bit around hoping for answers. I went up stairs and walked through the corridor obviously leading to the bedrooms and the bathroom.

I went to one of the bedrooms on the right and the door. I looked inside and saw a broken lamp, a bed with all burned sheets, an burned lamp and a closet. On the walls were shelfs with broken pictures. I looked at the trash and saw something inside. I slowly made my way over and picked it up. It was a picture.

When I turned the picture, my heart skipped a beat and a lump was created in my throat. The picture was of me and my old family. But I remember I had been drawing an 'X' over all of their faces, but mine. I quickly let it go making it fall to the ground and shatter to pieces.

I went out of the room and closed the door. I went into the room in front of me. I looked around seeing a double bed with two night stands and a closet. Both burned. When I looked some more around i froze. On the ground there was a corpse. Burned. I walked closer noticing it wasn't more then a skeleton. I went out of the room and closed the door. I went inti what I meant was the last bedroom and I wasn't wrong.

When I went inside I could see that the walls used to be a yellowish. On the bed there used to be pink colourish sheets, or maybe purple? On the floor used to be a white carpet as well. I looked towards the picture on the floor picking it up. The picture was of my sister when she was four and I was two. I remember we used to be a happy family back then, before our father got an alcoholic dick.

I growled before throwing the picture into the wall, crushing it. I grabbed my hatchets tight in my hands slamming them against the window covered with dark planks. Slamming them over and over again they broke into shredded pieces of wood and i quickly looked out of the window.

I sat on the edge still with my hatchets in tight grip before i jumped down. What i saw around me shocked me more hem i thought it would. Yes, I burned the whole neighborhood, but I thought it was all fixed. But apparently I was wrong.

Everything, every house from the ground to the top was burned. There was nothing left. What happened?

I had no time to find out until I heard police sirens. Had they already noticed me? How? I didn't bother to find out and ran the fastest I could into the slender woods. I ran for about 15 minutes until I finally stood in front of the huge mansion.
I smiled before knocking. The door opened a minute later reviling my dear friend, (not really) Masky.

"Toby" He said happy giving me bro hug. I hugged back and stepped inside.
We closed the door and talked for a short amount of time before we made our way to the living room where i saw Sally and y/n talking. Damn, Sally has changed a lot. I can still remember when she was that little annoying girl, but she was too adorable to be angry at.

Ben's pov...

When I finally came out of the stupid portal I landed in a home. It was old and no one was living there. All the furniture was covered with white blankets and the windows were dusty.

I made my way up the stairs and saw a name on one of the doors, which I assumed was a bedroom. The name that was on the door was "Benjamin". My old name before I drowned and got what I am now. BEN drowned.

I knew this was my home and opened 'my' bedroom door. Inside, nothing had changed from the day I left. My Nintendo 64 was still on the ground with some of my favorite Legend of Zelda games. I smiled before looking at a picture of me, my dad and my mom.

My mom died of cancer leaving me with my dad who after that changed. He blamed me for mom's death and began abusing me and had changed to an alcoholic man.

I pushed the memories away and went back downstairs not bothering to be here anymore.

I tried to open the door but it was locked, obviously. I sighed before making my way to the window. With all my force i hit my elbow against the window making it shatter into pieces. "Ouch" I mumbled as I rubbed my elbow.

I jumped through the window and smiled as a slightly cold breeze hit me. I took a deep breath before opening my eyes again. "I'm back" I whispered as I grinned. I began running as fast as I could, but quickly stopped when I saw a girl walk for herself on the sidewalk.

I grinned and cracked my neck before making my way over to her. I changed to my human form and stood in front of her. She looked at me with big blue eyes. I looked down slightly giving her a trustful smile. I took her hand gently as i led her to my lake. The lake I was drowned in.

I still can't believe she just randomly followed me. She must be drunk. Suddenly she smashed her lips onto mines and I decided, this was my shot.

I grinned into the kiss as I slowly began moving us towards the lake. When we were at the edge she broke the kiss and looked at me horrified. Ops, i'm not in my human form. Too bad. I chuckled before pushing her. She screamed as I jumped right after her.

I swam dragging her with me. I tied her to the bottom and watched her die. Slowly and painful. I laughed as I saw how her face color had changed from tan, to deadly pale. She was dead.

I sighed before going back up from the water. The corps came to the surface a moment later. Strange enough, I can't get wet. I smiled as I began running to the mansion again.

Random kid's pov...

I woke up as I saw a light form in a house some meters away. I went up from the bed and looked at the light blue house where the family, Woods used to live but that was before the horrible accident with their son.

My mom and dad told me everything. They say it happened more than 60 years ago. Everything is still as it was, tho.

Out from the house came a teen with a white hoodie, black dress pants and messy black hair. I couldn't make out his face by the distance. I looked closed when I noticed his pale skin. Indeed, it was white.

It sent shivers down my spine. I could see other people coming out of houses too. But the weird thing is, that all these houses have been abounded for years.

I ignored the fact and kept staring at the running teens. "Gabe? Honey, why are you awake?" I heard my mom ask as she sat down beside me. I pointed out the window and she froze as she saw the teens. "It's ok, let's get you to bed" She carried me back to bed and I quickly fell asleep.

Who were those teens?

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