Girls night

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"So, why were you ignoring that girl?" Aika asked me, and I quickly hid the small piece of paper with Mercedes' phone number on it. "What was that paper?"

"What?" I asked. "Oh, it's nothing." I told her, and turned around and entered the kitchen. She persisted and followed me into it. She sighed before picking the clever off of the floor and gave me an unimpressed look.

"Senia...I thought you were done with this." She tossed it into the sink, and shook her head in disappointment. "Get dressed." She told me suddenly. She walked away and into my bedroom, grabbed some clean clothes, and handed them to me.

I entered my room, put the clothes on and went to the door to meet Aika. She was talking on the phone. I hid around the corner and listened to what she was saying. "Okay, meet us at the mall. I'm gonna do something for Senia. I think she'll like it."

"Aki?" I said as I walked out from behind the corner. "Who's that?" I asked.

"Okay, I gotta go. Uhh...see you...babe." Babe? She hung up the phone and slipped into her pocket. "Uhh...that was...someone that I...met...on the internet!" She exclaimed and I shook my head.

"Where're we going?" I asked her, and she opened the door and dragged me out. We entered a cab that was waiting outside and the driver started driving. "You don't drive any more?"

"No..." She said hesitantly. "Not...not since the crash." She lowered her head, and I hugged her tightly.

As the driver reached the mall, Aika payed him and we entered the mall through the giant glass doors. We walked through the mall and looked through a bunch of stores, occasionally buying some new clothes or underwear or bras. We reached the foodcourt and ordered some food from the Taco Bell.

As we sat down and started eating, Aika made a gesture toward someone who must have been behind me. A few seconds passed of me pretending not to know about the gesture, when suddenly a group of girls walked by and stopped at our table.

They were my old friends from high school.

They sat at our table and the tables around us. They all gave their condolences for my sister, the said they felt bad about the crash, they even brought gifts. But, even though it was nice, and they were showing care, I wasn't really that into it. There was someone I couldn't get off of my mind.


Just thinking if her name made me tingle, I don't know why. I just...when I thought about her, I felt so...when I saw her...I can't explain. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

And of course, there she is, walking by at the other side of the foodcourt. She sat down at the farthest table, and miserably started poking at a salad with a fork. I hesitantly stood up and told my friends and sister to stay here. I walked across the foodcourt and sat down at her table.

"Why'd you call me 'Babe' on the phone?" One of my friends asked.

"Hey, Mercedes." I said, and she nervously looked away.

"Hi." She said quickly.

"'re you?" I asked, and she just gave me a strange look.

"Fuck small talk, Senia. Why'd you come over here?" She asked, and the tone of her voice and choice of words shocked me.

"Wow, ok, that was unexpected. I came over here because I thought you needed some company...or something." I told her, hoping that she wouldn't snap.

"And...?" She extending the word. "I know that's not the only reason."

"Fine! I-I can't seem to stop thinking...about you." I told her, and her face dropped, and then she laughed a bit.

"Really?" She asked. "I can't say that this is unexpected, but I can't say that it was."

She was a complete enigma. She seemed to be mad a second ago, now she was smiling?


But I couldn't deny that I liked seeing her smile. She was so beautiful. It looked like she re-dyed her hair recently, it was a very bright light red. She wore a beanie over her head, which covered the top of her head and fell down the back of her head.

She wore a large sweatshirt with sleeves that were too long. Under the sweater was a graphic tee, and when I walked over earlier, I saw that she was wearing jogging pants and supra high tops.

"Hey, I finished eating, maybe when you're done you could come to my place later? For a beer or something? Maybe? If you don't want to, that's completely fine." I asked.

"Sure, why not." She replied nonchalantly. "It's been, like, four months since we actually had a conversation of any type."

Mentally, I was screaming in excitement, and I couldn't believe that she agreed to come, but on the outside I played it cool and acted chill.

Chill?! What the fuck?

When she was done eating, I quickly told my sister that we were taking a cab to my place, and she nodded. The look on Aika's face clearly showed that she was slightly confused.

We took a cab home, and entered my dirty and cluttered apartment. She didn't seem to care about the mess, to my surprise, she seemed more concerned about the movies on my shelves.

"You wanna watch a movie, or something?" I asked, and she just kept looking through them. After getting through the first two rows, she bent over and looked at the rest.

"Butt..." I whispered to myself and quickly turned around to go get some beers. I opened the fridge and grabbed some Corona's from the top shelf. When I walked back into the living room, she was still bent over, looking at the movies. I set the beers down on the glass coffee table, purposely making noise, and she quickly looked back and sat down in a criss cross type of sit.

Type of sit?

She chose a movie, and put it into the disc player. It was a horror movie. Not sure which one, but it was a horror movie.

As we watched the movie, I couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful girl who was sitting beside me. Her long, amazing hair...her beautiful, soft features...her round, bodacious butt...

What? What am I even talking about? Mercedes doesn't even have an ass, but I guess I liked looking at...

Why am I thinking about Mercedes' butt?

Thinking those thoughts were wrong, I started punishing myself by picking at some of the scabs on my arm.

"Stop..." She said, her eyes glued to the TV screen, waiting for the next jump scare to happen. "I can see you picking at your arm." She told me, and I reluctantly listened to her.

As we binge watched a bunch of different movies, we drank more, and more. To the point where we were completely wasted...

As the start of a movie, that I couldn't recall the name of, began, I blacked out.

The Red Haired Girl who Stole My Heart(lesbian story)(completed May 1st 2016)Where stories live. Discover now