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A world that’s parral to ourworld is unknown to us of its beauty, danger, & it’s mystery, it’s name is Two Oppsites, (reffering towards the Forest of Light & the Forest of Darkness). In this world anything that’s not possible is possible, anything that’s your deepiset  fear is in this world, anything that’s the oppsite of this fear will save your life.

  If of course you believe, for in this world all the creatures that you know, don’t know, & others who haven’t even been told to the humans. Are formed by authors & the powerful imagination of the human mind &they come here to live out there lives.

  If you havn’t notice yet, but these creatures are orinally from fairtell books, who are being poisned by an unspeakable evil & being turned into hedious monsters.

Now we enter the story with brave hearts & our minds clear of fright. The sky is black there are no sparks in the sky but the three moons to light our way. It’s extremly cold, damp, & there’s danger where ever we may turn.

But for now we must help our unknown friend; the cold breeze rushes at this creature or human making him/her to pull their plan black hooded robe around them as the messneger  finally reaches their desdination. The Tewlve Trees, wich seprates the Forset of Light & Forest of Darkness.   

“Life as we once knew will change in ways that neither human nor mythical being will be able to comprehend. In a way this change of course of action is a change in our entire destiny,” whispered the shadowed figure to the trees.

  The trees shuddered of fear but whispered back, “What will change our destiny’s course?”

  “An unspeakable evil that wishes to take control & poison the heart of the Forest of Light,” the trees said but nothing & became silent so the figure went on, “but there’s a light in this foretold legend for in the mist of this evil a hero will be born.”

  The trees settled down to be able to know that a hero was to be born to destroy this unknown evil was comforting.

   The figure moved thru the blanket of black with no tiny lights in the sky but the large three moons. Those made the Fog of Spirits glisten with beauty. The spirits whipped at the stranger’s plain black robe as he or she or thing walked among them. The groundunderneath the stranger was pure white. It crunched & groaned for it was not any ordinary snow or land.

  The land that the stranger was passing through was the Spirits’ home called the Land of Pain ‘n Laughter.

  Whenever this land groans it means something horrifying in the future is to happen, but when it laughs it means all is swelling. Hearing the ground groan with pain made the dark figure stop & listen. This groan was different than the other groans, it sounded as if the groan was according to the traveler. Noting that dangerwould come up itself in due time.

Which was now; a horrifying screech came from within the fog that surrounded the unknown figure. It was too late for the messenger to make it back through the branches. Branches that were part of the Forest of Light, these branches were a special type. All you had to do was run as fast as you could & picture a place that was part of your hometown.

In this case, the home city the shadowed figure was from was called Tokyo, Japan. In the distance another hideous cry was heard but much closer than before.

  The messenger ran as fast as their legs could carry them.

   The unknown figure thought what was like home to them, Kashima Jingu, a sacred forest in Japan. Kashima Jingu wasn’t just like home it was the unknown portal that went from Tokyo to the world of the Two Opposites, (converting to the quiet largeforests).

The human was almost there, so the messenger thought as it safe to look how much distance they were putting between themselves & what sickening Light Eater creature was after them.

Their eyes widen with terror at the sight of such a gruesome monster. The person could smell the scent of death & decade, the beast was closing end on the helpless human.

The thing was more of a demonic creature than the messenger had ever laid eyes on but the victim knew exactly who it was.

King Darkness’s own messenger/assassin named Darkri.

  His fur was mottled, mouth could stretch as wide to swallow a school bus whole, eyes were dead of light & glowed red with evil, larger than three adult male elephants, could eat twelve times his own weight, claws that could dig a tunnel underground & he would.

Finally, his teeth that were as long as the human finger, thickas the sharks but many more teeth on each row, also these teeth could cut through anything including diamonds, they would crush as if they were just some soft dirt.

The human was still running toward freedom, just a few more feet & the poor creature would have been safe.

Darkri pounced onto the feebly human & hissed,

“Give me one good reason for me not to kill you, Narita!”

    Narita was & the only messenger that the Queen Taisha could trust with the information about the Dragon Stone, & the war that no one knew of yet but the elders of the Royal Crystalfamily & messenger.

Her hair is the color of sweet caramel, eyes two shades darker than her hair with a gleam to finish the touch. She had flawless skin, her eyes were like hawk eyes able to spot danger or a spy a mile away. Narita bore the mark of the symbol of loyalty on her neck. A three tailed wolf with a crystal in the middle of it. The three tails stand for loyalty, trust, & bravery.  

“You want to know my reason; it’s to end the war that your master’s planning along with his sick & twisted cousin Queen Dark Star.” Narita spat.

Darkri reared his head back with laughter, the laugh was short & he became cold once again.

“Wrong answer,” he raised his left paw with his claws gleaming in the eerie blue light coming from the three moons, “you should have thought about what was going to happen to you if you gave me the wrong answer, Narita.”

“Before you waste your strength on killing me, I have something to say, but more importantly something to do!”

Those were her last words as she removed the dagger hidden by blending in with her dark blue dress. In a blink of an eye she stabbed Darkri in his thick left leg.

Darkri screamed of pain, & as fast as Narita stabbed him, was as fast as his sharp claws came down into her chest.

Narita gasped for breath, she only had only a few more feet & then she would have been home. She wondered as her blood turned the snow red, what would Lee have to say to Luna when he finds out that she’s gone. How would he keep her from knowing of such a tragedy?

As her vision dimed she went ahead & let the words slip from her dying lips,

“My darling Luna, my daughter, I will miss you & will….,” Narita started to breath heavy, tears stung her eyes she hadn’t the strength to stop them, so she let them fall & mix with the pool of blood, “ always… love you.”

Her eyes closed & her body sunk into the ground while her soul joined with the Fog Spirits.

“How pathetic, well at least I got one pesky flea out of my fur”, Darkri spat onto the ground, the ground hissed from the toxic, “but now I got an even juicier target to go after.”


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