*Answers from the Judge

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 *Note that this poem is not really a part of my musings. I wrote this because I believe, and normally I would never express it outright and instead take to solitude and write poems about my ideals and experiences instead. But I wrote this poem mostly because a friend of mine is going through a rough patch in her life at the moment, and I wanted to offer this to her as a very late tribute. *

 Answers from the Judge

 If I go, will you follow?

 If I go, will you leave?

 If I tell you to leave it be,

 will you discard what you believe?

 If I ask for your honor,

 if I ask for what's right,

 will you leave behind tommorrow,

 will you follow me to the night?

 If I tell you to seek another,

 if I tell you to stay away,

 would your promise do me honor

 or willl you break it this very day?

 And if I ask you for something

 that never can you provide,

 will you let failure define you,

 or will you find a way to survive?

 If I seek another's word,

 would you accuse me of betrayal?

 If I seeked another's wisdom,

 will you drown yourself in denial?

 If you do, will you beg me?

 If you do, will you simply leave?

 If my heart goes to another,

 will you stand steadfast, or grieve?

 If this questions you cannot answer,

 can you look me in the eyes?

 Can you tell me you do believe,

 without resorting to telling lies?

 Can you tell me of a faith

 that no man can ever shatter,

 can you tell me that that faith

 belongs to me or yet another?

 My child, these are questions

 no one can ever answer.

 Like trials that do exist,

 like sins that always linger.

 It matters not that you are fragile,

 or if your heart is made of glass,

 what matters most is you keep me

 if ever I came to pass.

 I cannot answer all your questions,

 nor heal every broken faith.

 I cannot reclaim what evil took,

 I cannot reclaim a life too late.

 I cannot ask you to stay strong

 when you face a thunderstorm,

 nor ask you to discard

 the desires I deem wrong.

 Nor can I mend what is broken

 if you will not let me in,

 and I cannot save a heart

 that is so immersed in sin.

 But if you seek me I'll be there,

 and  my hands will try to guide you.

 If you seek me I will welcome,

 I will show you what is true.

 All that matters is a faith

 I can stand on to be steady.

 And when your life has truly gone,

 your salvation will be ready.

 So if I ask "Will you follow?"

 It matters not if you never do.

 I may go where you cannot follow

 but my heart will stay with you.

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