Chapter 17

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It's been a week and Louis and Harry have spent everyday together. The girls were gone, Louis still remembered the conversation perfectly.


"Hello?" Louis said, answering his cell.

"Hello Louis." His grandmothers voice drifted through the phone.

He sent Harry a confused glance before responding, "uh, hey grandma, what's up? How are the girls?"

"Oh, the girls are fine. That's actually why I was calling."


"Yes, Louis, I believe it would be best if I took custody over the girls." She spoke, sympathy clear in her voice.

Louis' eyes widened as he took in her words. No, no this can't be happening, "What? Why?"

"You have a lot to deal with right now Lou, plus I miss the girls I would love to have their company."

"No, no you can't do this to me! They're all I have left!" He cried, tears prickling in his eyes.

"Sweetie, it's for the best." She tried to sooth him.

"How? You don't trust me, do you? You're just like mom, you don't want the girls around me." Tears were now streaming freely down his cheeks.

Harry got up from his seat and walked over, wrapping arm around his waist to pull him closer and wiping his tears with the other. "Darling you know that's not true. You're going through a lot, you shouldn't have to deal with taking care of them along with yourself. All you have to do is sign the paper." She sighed.

He rested his forehead against Harry's shoulder as the punk lad kissed his temple, rubbing soothing circles on his back, "No, I won't do it"

"I'm sorry Louis, but yes you will. Now, I have to go. Ill be down with the papers tomorrow, goodbye Lou."

Louis quickly him up the phone without so much as a goodbye.

He spend the next 30 minutes sobbing on Harry's shoulder while his boyfriend whispered calming words.

*End Of Flashback*

As promised she showed up at his house with the papers and he lost the girls, the last part of his family he had left.

He had just returned home from the doctors, Harry got gotten worried and sent him. His boyfriend wanted to tag along but Louis didn't let him.

He pulled his car into the driveway, switching it off, but made no move to get out. He leaned his pounding head against the steering wheel and groaned at the, ever present, nauseous feeling in his stomach. He sighed, running a shakey hand through his messy hair, and starts to get out of the car.

He decided on his way home to keep everything that had happened away from Harry, he would find out in his own time.

Sighing, he walked into the living room to find Harry watching the television. The lad had moved in a few days ago, claiming he didn't want Louis to be alone. But hey, Lou isn't complaining, he likes the company.

"Oh my god," he groaned when he noticed Lou walk in, "the most embarrassing thing happened today."

Louis made his way over to the couch and sat down next to him, "what happened?"

"I walked into the wrong story. Ugh, it was in a school and there was three of me and one of you but all of us were normal. I was all like, 'what the shit? Fuck.' Anyways, how'd it go today?" He asked, switching off the television.

"Fine." Louis said, putting on his best fake smile, "Said everything's okay, should pass with time."

He felt bad about lying but he thinks its for the best. It's worth it to see Harry smile, "That's good."

"Yeah." He faked happiness, "I told you it was nothing but you would listen."

"Hey, sue me for worrying about my boyfriend." He grinned, grabbing Louis' chin and pulling him in for a kiss, running his tongue along the seam of his lips.

'I hate this, I hate this so much. I hate lying' Lou thought as he climbed onto Harry's lap. He winced when they separated, "You alright?" Harry asked.

He nodded slightly, "Yeah, just a little headache. I'll go get some pain killers."

He quickly slid off Harry's lap and made his way into the kitchen. He filled a glass off water and grabbed two pills, downing them in one shot. He dumped the rest of the water into the sink before resting his elbows on the edge of it and dropping his head into his hands.

God, he hated this. Everything just keeps falling apart, can't he catch a break? What had he done wrong enough to deserve this? Why would god put him through this?

He jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his back, "You're sure you're okay Louis?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Louis faked yet another smile, "Just a bit tired. Wait, what time is it?"

"Uh, 9:30." Harry responded, glancing at his watch.

"I have to get to work." Louis sighed.

"Alright, I'll drive you."


"So everything went well?"

"Yeah, they said everything's fine, should fade soon." Louis 'smiled.'

He had just arrived at work. Walking in only to be bombarded by questions from Liam and Niall.

"That's awesome man." Niall smiled, "We were worried."

"Well there's no need for that. Oh, I'll get it." He said, using their new customer as an excuse to escape the conversation.

He helped her as slow as he could, making small talk as he prepared her coffee. Once done, he returned to the back room, jumping onto the counter.

"So, how are things with Harry?" Liam asked when Louis returned.

That actually brought a real smile to Louis' face, "Really good. I really love him guys."

"D'awe!" Niall shouted, grinning as he wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulder and pulled him into his side.

"Oh, shut up." He chuckled, lightly pushing his friend shoulder.

"No, but really, I'm happy for you." Niall gently nudged his with his shoulder.

"I am too." Liam chimed in with a smile, "It's really good to see you happy Lou."

"Thanks guys, really. It's nice to have some support."

"Anytime Lou. You know we love you."

A/N: So, I wrote like a shitload of stuff tonight. :p God, I'm so bored. Rawr. Alrighty, so I'm gonna go write more. Peace. :)



Pick flowers on Mars<3


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