Sides are Drawn *

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Chapter 12: Sides are Drawn

Aria was good at computers, I would give her that. To find Jason she'd had to hack—that term being used loosely—into where past camera footage was stored. From there she'd been able to watch as the two of us where dragged down the stairs from the house, into the humongous underground complex. I was thrown in my cell, and Jason was carried further into the bowels of the building, to a place where Aria could not find camera coverage.

“I have to go get him.” I turned to leave.

“Wait,” Aria stopped me. “You need to come up with a plan. What are you going to do, run in there and free him with your overwhelming lack of weapons?”

It was true, I felt naked without my gun.

“Aria, I hate to ask, after all this, but could you go get Dustin? We need him. I mean, I need all the friends I can get right now.”

She got to her feet. “Don't worry. I'm sure we can put our differences aside. Maybe he can help me bring you over to our side.”

Aria was gone for only a minute. Dustin followed her sullenly through the door.

“I was asking around, for news about Jason.” Dustin took a seat in one of the chairs. “They say they haven't seen Alec since you guys showed up. Sarah came in, really briefly, but she was strictly no comment.”

What were they doing to him? I couldn't even bring myself to think about it.

“Maybe I can get something more out of her.” Aria headed for the door. “You two stay here.”

“Wait!” I called after her.

In all my thoughts, and farfetched half plans, there was only one logical thread to tug at.

“The only way they're going to let Jason free is if we agree to work with them. Try to convince Sarah we need him on our side.”

Aria nodded. “Smart. I'll bring it up with her.”

The door slid shut behind her, and there was an agonizingly long silence. I watched the screens, trying to construct a map of the complex in my head.

“I'm sorry.” I was actually genuinely surprised to hear Dustin say that. “I've been thinking about it, and the way we treated you, throwing you in that room, it makes me feel like we're not better than them.”

“It's because you aren't.” My voice was stoney. I couldn't let him get off that easily.

It was then that Dustin said something truly profound. “You're right, we're not... any better than them I mean. But what's our alternative? In war not everyone can win, and you're deluding yourself if you don't think we're at war. It's time to pick a side. Even to just leave, and survive your marking, you'll be choosing their side. You'll leave the city behind, and everyone here. One day Erin will have to go through what you went through, and every generation after her, forever. We can change all that.”

I didn't want to show it, I didn't want to believe it, but he was shifting my perception.

“I want to change this city just as much as you, but you can't just go around blowing up buildings, killing innocent people.”

“War has casualties, and the fact that your boyfriend's sister is a fucking agent shouldn't change that.”

“He's not...” I trailed off, but I couldn't let him get me off topic. “That's not important, and it also has nothing to do with my opinion on human life.”

“So what do you suggest we do?” Dustin crossed his arms. “If you have some great plan I'd love to hear it. Do you think I enjoy hurting people? The truth is, you're still an idealistic child. I thought getting marked would have shocked you out of it.”

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