Chapter Three - Meeting the Host Club

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Itsumi POV

When I opened the door, there were a group of boys greeting me as I entered. I quickly saw Haruhi standing there.

'Is this...really her club?!'

"Haruhi?!" I yell. Haruhi sweat-drops, clearly knowing that I was astonished and confused and well, a bit angry. She quickly came over to me.

"heh heh...hey Itsumi!"

"What are you doing at a club like this?!"


Haruhi then started explaining. She told me of the vase, the debt, her joining the host club, and that the boys in the Host Club knew she was a girl.

I sighed. 'Why didn't she tell me this in the first place?'

I then just gave Haruhi a quick hug and forgave her. After I did that, a LOT of girls started fighting and were screaming, demanding what was going on. I actually got scared of Haruhi's fans. Haruhi saw this and got the courage to say something.


Everything was silent. Even the Hot Club was shocked to Haruhi's outburst.

" *sigh* Calm down. It's not a big deal. Itsumi sister."


Everyone in the room started freaking out. Some were even in shock. Haruhi and I just sweat-dropped.

'Why are they freaking out? It's not like...the end of the world or something...'

We just stood there, not knowing what to do next. Just then, Kyoya, which I noticed was also in the Host Club, stood up. He cleared his throat which caused everyone to look and quiet down.

"Everyone, would you please calm down. You are being rude to our new guest."

That made everyone calm down. But...people started asking questions about me.

"Where are you from?!"

"When did you come back?!"

"Are you really related to Haruhi?!"

"Is it nice being Haruhi's Sister?!"

I, of course, answered some of them. Some were great questions, some random, some pretty dumb. After 10 minutes, the bell rang meaning that it was time to go to our next class. Everyone started filing out saying good-bye to me and various other comments. After everyone was gone, I sighed.

''well, that was exhausting...''

I went and took a seat on a white soft couch, resting for while. As I rested, Haruhi came over and sat next to me.

" *sigh* sorry about that Istumi. Some fans can get...worked up."

"It's fine..." I reply, giving her a soft smile.

Just then, the Host Club walked up to me. A blonde looked down on me and handed me a rose.

"Welcome to the Host Club. I hope you come visit us more.." he says, sparkling and giving me a "romantic" look.

"um...okay?..." I reply, confused about what's going on.

Two twins then came up to me and stared.

"Can you?" I ask them.

"We don't see it." Both of them said. "You two look nothing alike."

I sweat-dropped. 'Was that really necessary?'

"Hikaru! Koaru! You shouldn't say that! That's being rude! Besides they're both so Kawaii~!!!" The blonde said, while he started hugging Haruhi and me close to him.

"Senpaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Haruhi said, clearly angry and embarrassed by it.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!! My daughter is angry at me~!!! The blonde said, as he ran away to a corner.

I sighed. 'This is going to be a long day...'

"Itsu - chan! Wanna hold usa-chan?" A little boy came running up to me, holding a stuffed pink rabbit.

'Did he just call me Itsu-chan?!? Must be my nickname now...'

"Sure sweetie. I'll hold your usa-chan." I politely tell him, not wanting to hurt his feelings. Besides, he was very cute with his short height, blonde hair, and chocolate brown eyes.

"Yay!!!" The little boy said cheering. He gave me Usa-chan and then went to a tall guy with black hair.

'Isn't Itsumi nice, Takashi?!"

"Hmm." He nods.

'Wait! Did he just say...Takashi?!"

I quickly stood up.

"M-mori - chan!?"

Everyone then stared at me. Mori then looked at me shocked.

"Fuji-chan...?" He said in a shocked and confused way in his low voice.

It is him! The boy I met at the park when I was a little girl!


That Cliffhanger tho! Yep, Here's Chapter Three. And what a great cliffhanger to leave it at. I hope the suspense won't kill you. (Even though it will~ lol) What do you think Itsumi means? Leave your comments about it in the comment box or whatever you call it! XD I'll be posting the next chapter as fast as I can. Sorry if it wasn't that long.I'll see you guys later my teddies! <3

~Teddy Bear :3

Haruhi's Sister?!? - A Bond between Friends (OHSHC Fanfic/Mori Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now