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October Friday 13th

Dear Diary, 

Oh tonight was amazing! Ben took me to h

is house and we just had the best sex ever! He was right, it is so much better without a condom, I don't know why anyone uses it if it just makes it not as fun. I know I'll never use it again. I can't wait to see what my friends will say when I tell them all about it at school on Monday!

Love, Jessica


Dear Diary,

Oh dear! Now I know why people use a condom! Guess what happened, I just got pregnant! I thought I couldn't get pregnant when it was the first time with him! Yahoo answers have failed me again. Oh what am I going to tell Ben! I'm not ready to have a child! 

Love, Jessica

October Monday 16th

Dear Diary,

Oh this is awful! Ben is mad at me, he said I shod've taken the pill. I don't even know what the pill is! I don't know what to do! Ben dumped me and now I'm all alone with my to be big belly! Oh my he won't even let me abort it! He says killing babies is a sin to god and he won't let his son die before he is even born. I say that it is a sin to get me pregnant and leave me after, but what do I know? 

Love, Jessica


Dear Diary, 

I just told my parents and they cried in front of me! I even disappointed my parents oh my! After dinner though we got to talk more about it.I told them I can't abort it because it's against Ben's religion and we can't do that to him. Ugh it's so upsetting that he has control over my body even after we broke up! I don't know what to do!

Love, Jessica

October 17th

Dear Diary,

Oh goody goody! Well kind of, not really. I told my friends that I was pregnant and then they all left me to! Except my best friend Violet. She stayed with me! At least I have one person supporting me! She just told me a genius idea! I could get my baby to an adoption center! It's perfect! All I have to do is be fat for 9 months and I'm done! Oh what will I do without Violet!

Love, Jessica

November Friday 18th

Dear Jessica's diary,

Hello! This is Jessica's best friend Violet writing for her, I'm at her house now feeding her. She has been really hungry lately! She's also always puking everywhere, and guess who's holding her hair every time,  (hint; it's me). Don't tell her, but Jessica's acting real bitchy today, even more than usual! Ugh this is really getting on my nerves. I can't wait until this is done and over with!

Love, Violet

August 27th, I don't know what day of the week it is, it's summer

Dear Diary,

Oh my god! I am so fat! I gained like 30 pounds from this thing! According to the doctor, the baby was supposed to get out 2 weeks ago! And I still don't think he's coming out soon (It's a boy!). Oh how unlucky am I! I wanted to name the baby after Violet, and now I can't! I'll just google search some cute baby names.

October 31st 

Dear Jessica's Diary,

Hi guys! It's Violet again! Guess who can't write in this diary because she's giving birth? (Hint; It's Jessica). That's right this satan of a baby took 2 extra months in the hotel that is my best friend. She is screaming really loudly and there is a lot of blood! It looks like a horror movie in there! At least we can finally get rid of this thing once it's out of her. 

Love, Vivian

Tune in to what happens in the next chapter. 

*Author's note: This story is a PSA; get educated, and always use condoms no matter the circumstance! 

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