Chapter 11: Failure

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     The pellet shot out of the gun, causing Craig to jump in surprise. It hit a zombie square in the forehead (or what's left of it) and the zombie immediately started to stand still and quietly, and the wounds began to heal themselves. The cure was working.
     There were more zombies now and they were all coming towards us. The man we just healed was on the ground panting and zombies were closing in on him. Parker couldn't shoot fast enough or she was missing the zombie entirely because of the pressure. Before we could help, a zombie was on top of the man, slaughtering him.
    "No! Someone do something!" Lylla screamed. She was, unfortunately, the smallest out of all of us, and knew that since we had found the cure, killing them would be like killing a man.
    Suddenly, a mysterious force knocked the zombie that was biting the man off him. We heard jingling and panting. Wait, panting?
     "TREVOR!" Lylla screamed with pure joy in her voice. She slapped a zombie in the face while running over to her best friend.
     "I MISSED YOU! Oh Trevor." She exclaimed as he licked her face happily. Then she pulled away and looked him directly in the eyes.
      "Don't you ever do that again, you hear me? Ever." She commanded sternly. He nudged her playfully in reply. Soon, she was on her feet again, punching zombies in the face with her bare hands. Lylla was happy again.


     Parker ran in side to whip up some more Formula k9 while the rest of us kept the zombies (and Craig) situated with a laser pointer. Some zombies realized we were human and delicious, so they started to wander towards us, but we managed to get them enthralled in the laser pointer once again.
     "I got it, I'm here, and I made TONS extra!" Parker had come running towards us, completely out of breath. She pulled out a large bag full of hollow, glass pellets, and then a couple of water balloons filled with the formula.
     "These ones are for close range shooting," She explained, holding up the water balloons, "and these are for long distance aim." She stated with the bag of pellets held over her head.
     She picked up a large water balloon and chucked it at the group of zombies crouching by the red laser of Amanda's laser pointer. The balloon burst and splattered all over their faces. They started to tremble and spas, color slowly returning to their faces. One of the zombies was actually missing an arm, but it began to grow (rather grotesquely) out of the hole where the arm should have been. Soon, there was a small group of people kneeling on the floor, looking around in utter confusion.
    "Hi." I said cheerfully. "I'm Astrid, we just saved your lives." They looked up at me, then at everyone else, then slowly rose to their feet. I walked over to them and held out my hand for them to shake. One woman, wearing a tattered yellow shirt and jeans just stared at my hand as though I was holding a giant turd. Then, she lunged at me, forcing me to the ground.
     "ASTRID!" Liz yelled. She grabbed Lylla and Wilson and her Katana and pulled the "woman" off of me. She lifted her blade and sliced her head clean off, as if it were a wheel of cheese. I tried to take a breath, but the other zombies were starting to attack.
     "EVERYONE, RUN!" Jason yelled. I took off, grabbing a knife on the ground as I did. There were woods on the other side of the street, so I ran into them, not even looking back. Branches tugged at my already torn clothes and leaves tickled my scalp and shoulders. I stopped. Looking around, I realized I was all alone, and I was lost.

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