Chapter 3: Survivors

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     I walked alone. The town was silent and disgusting. No one but myself roamed the streets. The familiar sound of car horns and bicycle bells was no where to be heard. My main mission was to find more survivors and I would go from there. I just knew that I needed to stay alive. I stopped into several stores on my way no where and picked up a sleeping bag, a lantern, a hand gun and some bullets (oh, yes), more matches and canned foods, and a cooking skillet. 

      "Oh hey, a car dealership!" I said to myself. I ran inside with my now heavy back pack and looked around. Then I saw it. It was the perfect truck to slam some zombies in.  It had a sleek, black paint job and eight foldable, leather seats. It even had lights on the roof.  I opened the door and hopped inside. Then I pulled down the visor and a pare of shiny new keys fell onto my lap. "Works every time." I said impressively.

     I had never driven a car before so not only was I excited, but I was nervous, scared even. Alright, this can't possibly be too hard! I thought to my self. I put the key in the ignition and slammed on the pedals. "OH MY GOSH!"  I screamed as I crashed through the dealership walls. Before I knew it, I was on the road, and on my war north.

     Slow, slow, slow, slow. I thought frantically to myself. I kept my eye out for survivors as I went. I swerved left and right and I ran over 3 or 4 trash cans on the side of road. That's when I started to see some zombies. They became less sparse the farther north I went and the zombies were in the road a lot, leaving me no choice but to run them over. When I arrived in Pensilvania, I was about 3 hours into the journey. I stopped at a grocery store and looked around for food that didn't require cooking.

      I rolled a cart around the store and ended up making a huge mess with baking soda and vinegar. I was making my way to the exit with my cart full of water jugs, beef jerky, trail mix, and V8 when I heard voices from inside the store. I ran to my truck and to put everything away and I grabbed my loaded hand pistol and put two kitchen knives in sheaths on my belt. I ran back inside quietly, gun ready, and looked into every isle carefully to see if I could find any one. The voices got closer and closer until I could make out what they were saying.

     "Wow, who ever was in here before us really doesn't like grocery stores!" The first voice stated. "Shut up, Craig." Said another. "Liz, would you please stop talking to my boyfriend like that?" Replied the third. "Don't stop, Lizzy." that was a fourth.

     I peeked into the isle that I heard the voices from and saw a tall boy with short, curly hair, and a jersey. Then, holding his hand, was a girl who was very pretty, with dark brown hair and a pink shirt on. Next, there was another girl, this one shorter than the first, and with dirty blond, wavy hair that was pulled up into a loose ponytail and she was wearing what looked like a 5sos shirt. Lastly, there was another tall boy, this one not as tall as the first, but he had dark brown, straight hair, and big nerdy glasses. The boy with curly blonde hair and what looked to be his girlfriend seemed like teenagers while the other two looked about my age.

    I quickly straightened up so that they couldn't see me and thought about what to do. 

    Maybe they're friendly! I could meet them and we could continue the journey together! But what if they're crazy psycho killers? I should slowly walk out with the gun in my hands so that if they are crazy, I'll be ready. 

     I crept out, gun ready, and said, "Who are you, and what do you want." They all spun around in surprise. "Woah. WOAH, SHE HAS A GUN!" Said the boy with dark hair and they all gasped. "Lower the gun, and we'll tell you." Said the older girl. I hesitated, then lowered it and they all started introducing themselves. "My name is Craig, and I'm 16." Said the tallest boy. "And I'm Amanda, and I'm also 16." The girl with dark brown hair stated after. "I'm Liz, and I'm 12, almost 13." The girl with the 5sos shirt said with a smile. "My name is Wilson, and I'm 13." The last one said. Then Craig said, "We don't want anything but food and water and maybe even protection.

     I nodded contently and said in a cool, cautious voice. "I'm Astrid, and I'm all alone."

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