An Attack? Or Not...

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I made my oh so perfect dramatic entrance by landing on the table, I knew they'd be eating right now, what I did not expect was for my right foot to land right in a bowl of mashed potatoes; I tried not to let that ruin the mood. I casually jumped down from the table and wiped it off on the carpet.

I saw my least favourite colleague jump from the ceiling, he was a dumb asshole who couldn't learn to shave his moustache, I then saw Kira rip off the skirt of her dress to reveal yoga pants the pull a knife out of her belt, stabbing the idiot.

From under the table, a man I had never met before yelled "Kira! You're pregnant!" She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"At least one of us has to be the strong one, Jestin, go to the safe room and hide. Take Alandra with you" She ordered.

Jestin got out from underneath the table and went over to Alandra, who had just screamed into the ear of an egg headed rebel who tried to grab her, Jestin and Alandra ran to the nearest safe room.

"FUCK YOU GUYS I'M ON THE ROYAL SIDE!" I screamed, that's when the fight really started, I didn't really now what was happening for a while and k was pretty much just shooting randomly, hoping to shoot one of those god - awful rebels.

My heart practically stopped when I heard "Excuse you" and turned to see Mikeala, her leg bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound, a gunshot wound from my gun.

Damon ran to Mikeala and picked her up, carrying her to the hospital, we were already down four people, five of us were left to fight the twenty rebels.

Grace had just slit someone's throat, I never even knew that rebel, Kira was still being a bad ass, Izzy round house kicked another annoying rebel in the face and Devawn, Devawn was fighting even though he had a knife in his arm.


"DEVAWN!" I screamed after shooting the rebel I just kicked "GO TO THE HOSPITAL THERE'S A FUCKING KNIFE IN YOUR ARM!" I screamed, he had apparently not noticed because the look of surprise was evident on his face as he looked at his arm, he kneed the rebel he was fighting in the gut before running to the hospital wing.

I looked over just in time to see Kira stab someone in the eye, damn, she was vicious, I doubted I'd ever get that image out of my mind.

We were each only fighting one rebel, it was four against four, when I felt a knife in my shin, some bitch had just thrown it at me.

I pulled it out and threw it back, hitting her in the throat as she fell to the ground.

We were left with one rebel. He put down his weapon "I surrender!" He yelled.

I looked over at a guard who had been completely useless the whole time "take him to the dungeons " I ordered, he did as I said.


I screamed as the nurse stitched up my thigh, Damon holding me down. Alandra, Jestin, Kira, Grace, Izzy, Emma and Devon with stitches in his arm all crowded around me as they finished my stitches.

I glared at Emma "why the hell did you shoot me?" I asked, frustrated.

She shrugged "oops?" She smiled awkwardly. I shook my head and layed down, I had lost a lot of blood and I was tired, I immediately fell asleep.


How in two years do you go from being a professional drag queen to married with a kid and visiting your royal friends? I have no idea. But somehow I did it.


We were all sitting in the common room except for Mikeala, who was sleeping.

"So... Emma, you're back?" I asked and smiled a bit.

She nodded "yeah, and I suppose I missed alot?" She asked.

We all laughed and told her all about everything that happened.

Then the phone rang.

The call was from Mikeala 's house.

What they say on the other side of this call would decide if I would have to marry Damon now.

And I can tell you this for sure.

I am not ready to be a queen.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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