Reuniting All Together, Almost

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"Wake up, we need to go to your stupid reunion thing today" I heard the annoying voice of my annoying husband wake me up in the morning. I groaned and opened my eyes. "And make sure you wear something nice, we don't want to embarrass ourselves in front of the royals" he said in his annoying voice.

"Yes, Jesstin, you fucking dumbass, I will embarrass myself by not looking fucking pretty enough in front of my fucking closest friends" I said sarcastically.

"Oh my gosh, Kira, don't use such curse words, especially not in front of the high class royals" he said snottily.

"Boy, you are gonna be so fucking dissapointed when you meet these people." I shook my head.

"Come on, Kira, at least don't use them in front of your amazing husband, who you are lucky to have" he said, hands on hips.

"Get this through your brain, if my mom didn't make me marry your ugly ass, I would rather have married litearally any other boy in Illéa other than you, you ugly egotistical hoebag" I said very slowly, making sure he was listening.

"Hmph!" He made that annoying sound "you know you think I'm pretty!" he said angrily "just get ready, we're leaving soon" he stomped off.

"Ughhhhhhh" I groaned loudly and slammed the door behind him. One day, I'm going to suffocate that boy with a pillow.


"Izzy! Get out of the fricking bathroom! I need to get ready!" I yelled to Izzy, people were coming soon. My hair was a mess and my wakeup was not done.

The door handle moved and Izzy came out, her makeup was perfect, with perfectly winged eyeliner, dark eyeshadow and deep red lips. She wore dangley feather earrings, a silver choke chain necklace, and her lip ring was bronze. Her black hair was done up in a neat bun. She wore beautiful strappy black sandals and a short sparkly white and black dress that poofed out at the bottom. "Okay, I'm ready" she said with a smile.

"You look really good" I said in awe, she just blushed and I went into the bathroom. I started with my hair, I put it into a braid that wrapped around my hair like Katniss from The Hunger Games, then I did my makeup, with a light shade of eyeshadow, simple eyeliner and dark mascara, I painted my lips a light pink then put some pink diamond studs in my ears and a matching, yet much smaller stud in my lip. I decided not to wear a necklace, since my dress had a turtle neck, instead, I wore a gold studded bracelet. I put on my off-white sleeveless dress then my light pink strappy heels.

When I went out of the bathroom, Grace was sitting on the bed with Izzy, her hair was up in a bun and she wore a beautiful red dress, since she would be joining us at dinner, she dressed up. She didn't like dressing up much, she wore no jewelry or makeup, even her shoes were simple black flats. She looked in distress as her and Izzy spoke, they did not notice me so I eavesdropped.

"When will you be getting married?" Grace asked, she had a very pristine, ladylike voice and she sat with very good posture.

"Who knows? Damon can never make decisions, it gets pretty annoying sometimes, but you cant blame him, he doesnt have much time to think. It feels like time sped up in the last year, I hardly remember anything that happened..." Izzy said, her voice sounded slightly sad. That's when I realised that she was right, I felt like we just jumped from the last year to now. "Even the things I remember since we got the letters for the selection, they don't seem right, it's like I've said something once then never brought it up again, like it wasn't really real."

Grace sighed "I don't even remember much that has happened in my life until today, when we're talking now, it's almost like this is a dream."


Devawn and I were walking towards the castle together, holding hands, Devawn had his Brown hair combed back and he wore a slick black suit with fancy black shoes, he wore a silver round chin piercing. I had my blue hair pulled into a pony tail and my red streak was braided into the rest. I wore very simple makeup that was not very noticeable. I had dangley silver earrings in my ears and a silver necklace around my neck. My light pink dress with short sleeves split in a diamond shape in the middle, to reveal my white diamond belly button stud and my little baby bump. I wore blue flats to match my hair.

I carried Rachelle in one hand as she slept. Devawn suddenly just stopped "Alandra, do you remember giving birth to Rachelle?" He asked.

I was slightly taken aback by his question "well, of course I do!" I said defensively. I didn't remember, but he didn't need to know that, he worried too much already.

"Well, Alright" he said "let's change the subject... well, Damon will probably propose today, that's probably why we're having a reunion today..." he said pensively.

"You know, Devawn, for a guy with a chin piercing, you're pretty smart" I laughed and we walked into the castle.


People started arriving, Kira was the first, she had her red hair curled, with a bunch of tiny diamonds woven in at the top, her makeup had been done perfectly, almost professionally, (by the looks of the guy with her, he probably did it). She had a perfect smoky eye, and glittering pink lipstick. She wore no jewelry except for silver studs in her three ear piercings and a new piercing in her nose. She wore a long blue dress which covered her feet and and poofed out at the bottom, almost like a wedding dress. She was a seven before this, she must have married well...

She was accompanied by an extremely poised man with his hair gelled back with about a pound of hair gel, he was wearing the most regal black suit I had ever seen. He had a smug smile on his face and I when he shook my hand, I realized he was wearing gloves.

I gave Kira a hug then smiled then looked at her Suiter weirdly. "Oh! This is Jesstin, he's the hoe, I mean the two, that my mom made me marry" she said with an extremely forced smile. I laughed, then Alandra and Devawn showed up, with a baby, well that's new...


I sat at the head of the table, since my parents were out of town, Izzy was on my right and Mikeala on my left. Beside Izzy sat Alandra, Devawn and Grace. Beside Mikeala sat an Kira, her husband, and an empty spot where Emma should have been sitting.

We all sat silently, eating our dinner, nobody commented on Kira and Alandra's baby bumps, or Alandra and Devawn's baby, Rachelle. "I miss Emma..." Mikeala said sadly, breaking the silence.

A sound of crashing came from above us and Emma jumped down from the ceiling, wearing a pony tail, a tank top, cargo shorts and black military boots. She landed in the middle of the table which made Kira's husband scream the most high pitched scream I'd ever heard.

"I heard my name" Emma smiled, looking around the table.

A/N: Well, I was gonna put the whole attack in this chapter but it got too long and I was like "mm, better not" so it's gonna be in the next chapter :*

But I'm Not Ready to be a Queen (Final book of the distressed royals series)Where stories live. Discover now