A Small Tid-bit From the Life of the DelRays

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"Hey, Alandra, wake up" I said quietly as I attempted to shake my beautiful wife out of her sleep. Today was the day that we would meet up with the rest of the Elite for the first time in a year. That made me nervous for two reasons, one; everyone's reactions when they see Alandra and I's child for the first time and I had no idea how that would play out and two; whether or not Emma would show up, this dinner was going to go up in flames, if she didn't show up, that would be the topic of the night with everyone worrying about her. But on the other hand, if she did, there's always the chance that the rebels would come with her.

I had to shake off those thoughts because I didn't want Alandra to worry because then I would worry even more because I care about her so deeply. "Mmph" she mumbled "I'm not ready to get up" she said under her breath "I wanna just stay in bed with you..." she said before pulling me in for a kiss, it would have been romantic if only my chin piercing wasn't in. Right when my chin collided with hers, it produced a small cut "ow!" she yelled, luckily, no crying came from the other room, which meant that she didn't wake up Rachelle.

"Sorry, sorry" I said as I quickly took out my piercing "would you like me to kiss it better?" I asked as my face hovered over hers, the cut had healed very quickly since it was quite easy to kiss her and make it still be romantic, hopefully Rachelle wouldn't wake up.

"I would like that very much" she said in her seductive voice, which was by far, my favourite of her voices. I lowered my face to hers and kissed the cut then slowly moved up her chin to kissing her lips, she kissed back passionately and we started to French kiss, I stuck my tongue into her mouth and she did the same, we wrapped our tongues around each other as I pulled her onto me, we had worn pyjamas to bed that night so it made it even better since I got to rip off her clothes.



I laid in bed beside Devawn, we were both panting from our wonderful past hour, we always needed to cool down after our wild rides. We had just cooled down and we were about to go for it again, when we heard crying from the next room "oh, fuck" I said before pulling myself off my hunky hubby.

I got up and put on my clothes and he did the same, we walked into Rachelle's room and I picked her up and rocked her, trying to calm her down. She cried for about an hour and drank two bottles of milk (we bottle feed her) before finally calming down before finally settling down. I put her back into her cradle to sleep then we went into the kitchen.

"We have got to get a sitter" Devawn said, exasperated. He sat at the table and put his face in his palm in exhaustion.

"I know, but we agreed that we would wait a year before giving up, we have to at least try to make it on our own, nine more months and we can get a sitter" I said, although I can get frustrated easily while trying to raid this child, what I said was true. Devawn let out a loud sigh in agreement then got up to help me make breakfast.


We sat at our little table, eating our stuffed peppers off of our styrofoam, which we had all of the time since Alandra had an obsession with peppers. The styrofoam plates were so they wouldn't break when I push them off the table.

We had finished our peppers and we were both way over tired "hey, Devawn?" Alandra asked, she was using that voice again.

"Yes?" I asked, intrigued.

"Do you care if the floor gets dirty?" she asked

"No" I said, she smirked evilly and push out plates off of the table before grabbing me by my collar and pulling me into a deep, romantic, kiss. We kissed passionately and almost started to go further, but once again, we had been clock blocked. It was time to go to the castle and start a very uncomfortable day.

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