Chapter 1- So my summer was eventful. What about yours?

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I walked with Nik towards the big white house with my hands in my shorts pockets. The blistering heat licking at my skin. Though it didn't bother me much.

"Should we do the good cop bad cop act?" Nik asked sarcastically getting sickeningly excited for what was to come.

"Oh why didn't you bring Stefan instead?" I sighing while throwing my head back into the hot night air.

"We're doing the good cop bad cop act." He said decided nodding at me with certainty before picking out his pace.

"Oh bugger off." I said shaking my head.

I fought off the urge to laugh. We weren't here for fun.

"I'm not helping you." I said while shaking my head. I crossed my arms and slowed my pace.

He turned around and walked back to me with a strange look in his eyes. Almost pleading.

"It will be over faster. Just go along with it." He urged.

Once we made it to the front yard of the house. I watched a blonde girl in very short shorts and a tank top come out of the house. She gave a horse-whistle and yelled out.

"Rooty! Come on. It's too hot tonight to make me come looking for you." She said crouching down to pick up a lead.

Nik and I stood there when she got up. She jumped.

"I am so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you." Nik said in his fake country voice.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked warily.

"Yeah uh my car ran out of gas a couple miles back. Me and my girlfriend feel like we've been walking forever and yours is the first house we've come to, we were just hoping to use your phone."

"Don't you both have cell phones?" She asked narrowing her eyes.

Nik pulled his out of his back pocket.

"Yeah, battery died." He said shaking his phone.

"And what about yours?" She asked me using her head as if to point at me.

"Well I would have used it. If this ass." I said in my better-than-Nik's-fake-country-voice and pointing at Nik. "Hadn't thrown it out the window when we were driving. Because I told him I would rather be on the beach than here."

"Look I promise I'm not a serial killer." Nik sighed at me before turning to the girl.

"I can't say anything for this one here." He said gesturing me with his head, "But I just want to use your phone." Nik said.

I gave him a glare that he felt on his face, which made turn and smirk at me.

The blonde sighed.

"Sure." She said turning to walk up the veranda steps.

"Sooo we can come in?" Nik asked almost hoping.

"No. I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you." She said giving us a small smile.

Nik's smile left his face and his eyes darkened.

"I thought you country folk we're supposed to be more trusting." Nik said dropping his fake voice.

She didn't look surprised.

"I'm from Florida." She said sure of herself.

Nik grabbed her throat and compelled her.

"Now show us some southern hospitality." Nik ordered. "Sweet pea." He added.

We walked in through the back door and there was another woman was inside talking to the blonde.

I will survive (Sequel to I am strong/fan-fiction to the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now