Chapter 9

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"Wake up sleepy head" i hear someone yelling. I just dig myself a little deeper into my blankets.

"Owww" i scream. Coby jumped on me."Get off me you fat lard"

"That's not nice" Coby says getting off the bed. I sit up in bed.

"So what we doing today?" i ask

"Ummm. I don't know. Have to talk to the guys"

"Okay" I reply to Coby. I get up and grab my clothes to take a shower. After my shower and all that good stuff I walk out to see the band sitting on the beds. I just go over to my bag and grab my hairbrush.

"I was thinking we go farther up north" Tony was saying.

"To where?" I ask

"That's what I was going to ask you"

"Well...... We could go to Sleeping Bear Dunes." I say trying to get a knot out of my hair.

"What do you do there?" Tobin asks

"I've been there before. Your mom and I took you there and that's where you almost fell of a cliff" Coby said.

"Well nice parenting there guys" Finally getting the knot out of my hair."You can go climb the dunes,Hike, or you can kayak"

"Let's climb the dunes!" Jerry says

"Sure.Get your work out for the day" Tobin says as he points at Jacoby. I just laugh. Let's say Jacoby has gained some weight since being sober.....

We all pile into the suv and Jacoby puts the address into his gps. And we are off.

"There it is" I say pointing at the dunes the guys supposedly are going to climb.

"I didn't think it was that big" Jerry stated as we were getting out of the car.

"It's not really but I'm not climbing it so you people have fun" I say walking to a picnic table.

"Yes you are it was your idea" Tobin says.

"So... I'm not climbing have fun" I said pulling out my phone. I look back up and they are all staring at me.

"Fine...." I say getting up and walking over to where you start."Well come on slow pokes". They all slowly wobble over.

"Okay we are having a race" Jacoby says.

"You seriously think you can race up this?" I say with no confidence at all.

"Yeah. It will be fun" He replies.

"Okay......" It's a hot day 80 degrees and they want to run up this dune. What is wrong with them....

"Ready, Set, Go!" scream Tony. We all start running up the dune. I am in last as in Tobin is in first. I look around to see the other guys and they are starting to feel it. Especially Jacoby.

We are almost to the top and I put it in gear. I try to sprint in the loose sand. I reach the top then I fall

"I win!" i scream as I get up. Brushing off the sand. Once the guys get on top of the hill they drop to the ground. I go and sit next to Coby.

"Was that fun?" i say punching his arm. He just smiles and keeps looking out at the view of Lake Michigan. We all sit for awhile. Coby shows me his phone and it's 2 pm. I nod and got up.

"Come here Kota. Have to take a picture" Jacoby says motioning me to stand by him. He gives Tony his phone and we take a picture having beautiful Lake Michigan in the background. Then we take a group picture. Next thing I know Tobin and Jerry are rolling down the dunes. I laugh. I start to make my way sliding down the dunes. Once I reach the bottom I run to the car to get a drink.

"So now where are we going?" Coby asks.

"Probably should head back to Traverse." I reply.

"Okay. We will stop on the way and get something to eat"

"Sounds good to me." I say climbing into the passenger seat. Kicking the boys to the back.

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