chapter two ;; colors by halsey

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phil lester
october 2nd at 15:06
phil lester: i dont understand

dan howell: ???

phil lester: why does augustus have to die?

dan howell: thats so last year smh

phil lester: well, after our late night chat a little while ago, you mentioned that "maybe bleh will be our always" and since i never read the book, i decided to check it out the day after

dan howell: well

dan howell: wow

phil lester: i now understand the hype

dan howell: smh

phil lester: isnt it smd?

dan howell: if thats what u want ;;))

phil lester: i read ur name as dan bowell the first time i read ur name and then i thought of poop

dan howell: is that why you called me a piece of shit?

phil lester: well no but it makes sense

dan howell: my dad just called me a troll

phil lester: becuz u are

phil lester: trolololololol

dan howell: stop

phil lester: shut up, u loved it and u want me to do it more

dan howell: no

phil lester: ://

dan howell: ure like a pedo

phil lester: oH wow IM the pedo

dan howell: i literally just turned 18

dan howell: and youre like 20 or smthng

phil lester: first off, im 22, second off, ure legal and ure the one thats hitting on me

dan howell: shit up

phil lester: ??

dan howell: shut**

phil lester: good becuz i can only shit down

dan howell: you jusT SWORE

phil lester: guess what

dan howell: what?

phil lester: i just got nandos

dan howell: did you stick a chicken leg into ur bum?

phil lester: wTF NO

dan howell: dont lie to me

phil lester: im noT

dan howell: yeA RIGHT

phil lester: IM AN ANGEL

dan howell: youre my angel ;;;)))

phil lester: i feel violated

dan howell: you cant feel violated if you liked it

phil lester: confuzzled

dan howell: send me some nandos btw

dan howell: danyul the CoCKERspanyul would like some of that cheeky nandos boo

phil lester: ok so u are gay


phil lester: everyone has that tho

dan howell: eel

phil lester: ???

dan howell: daMN U AUTOCORRECT

phil lester: eel

dan howell: stfu, i meant well

phil lester: gr8 grammar

phil lester: gr8 with a capital 8

dan howell: why the fuck does this science homework have math involved im suing

phil lester: same

dan howell: this conversation is going no where

phil lester: so is ur dick

dan howell: bYE

A/N: edited bc cat was in this chapter but i deleted that part bc i needa chill ok

this chapters all over the place & i hate it & im sorrY

i literally fall for anyone that looks at me so dans literally me when i start talking to a boy ahAha oops

this chapter is such shit so if i might change it drastically in a few days but u luckY duckys will have a double update bless

ps, my friend KAI helped me out with the chapter so lowkey creds [ ?? ]

anyways, peace out girl scouts

- xoxo natalie

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