Chapter 4: ...what a night...

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<pre>Alaras pov:

Oh my god... Damon Salvatore... I'm not the one for completely crushing over someone the first day I meet them, but. With Damon just looking at him was hard not to.... And don't get me started on the eyes! He was just as godly looking as his brother Stefan.

Damon has been on my mind since I meet him yesterday. I start school tomorrow.. Nervous..? Not really just anxious. But back to the topic... Damon.. Hahaha wow. This guy is permanently imprinted in my head! And the weirdest thing about it all was the first time he touched my hand I got these images in my head or these visions.... Its hard to explain it's a little foggy now that I think about it.... But the whole while I was touching his hand it was like this odd warm feeling inside me.... Like there was something, something there that sparked a light in me... Wow I sound like a love sick teen... Awesome... I probably won't even see this guy around anyway... I should just stop this now..... Alara get over him! It seems like every thought I have is somehow linked to him....


I stopped writing. Why did I feel this way? Only a stupid angsty teen would feel that way about a boy that she just meet? And I wasn't either of those things.... I sighed.

I got up off my bed taking my diary and shoving it under my bed.

I got my shoes from the closet and put them on and walked out of room and down the stairs. My aunt and uncle were at work, Bonnie was probably at one of her friends house which left me alone.

I walked outside to the setting sun giving everything an orange glow, it was about 5 o clock, kinda chilly out but it didn't bother me much on this September evening.

I started walking into my back yard which was a wooded area. Bonnies parents were quite wealthy, they didn't have much neighbors and there house was located on the 'rich' side of town, and the house from the looks looked like a mansion almost.

I walked in the wooded area peacfully, I liked exploring things and being alone to think.

I walked at a fast pace, which was normal for me I'm used to walking quickly for a reason unknown, I walked in silence for what seemed 5 minutes but from the darkened sky, it looked about 45 minutes... Time goes bye way to fast.

I looked around... Seeing nothing but trees I got out my phone to see where Im stepping... But froze up automaticly...

I felt someones eyes on me.... I did a 360 turn to spot the person looking at me... But no one was there?

My heart rate picked up and I decided to walk faster... Fear creeping into my mind... But I still felt someones eyes on me... I hurriedly turned the fast walk to a jog then a full on run. Hoping I could get out of these woods.

I heard footsteps behind me, hot on my tail. Panicking I turned around head on and threw the person stalking me into the nearest tree with my witch abilities that I hardly use.. For times like these,

What the hell just happened!! I panicked,

My adreniline still pumping i spotted the person stalking me on the ground...I kneeled next to the limp body next to the tree I threw him at.

I cautiously turned him around to see a man about in his late 20's with short orange-blonde hair.

I checked his pulse, he was obviously knocked out cold but I didn't realize how hard I threw him against the tree.

How did I do that? Fly someone straight into a tree? Sure I practiced 'some' spells before but nothing that major including lifting a 190 pound man off the ground and slamming him into a tree? With no effort at all?!

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