Chapter 1: My place

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Dear diary,                                                                           Saturday September 3, 2010

My name is Alara Iris Bennett, born in Portland Oregon and now living in Mystic Falls with my cousin Bonnie and her family… I have lived here before. When I was four, I hated it. Since I’m a witch I always sensed evil here, and I never felt safe. Well now I’m back, I lived with my father’s mother in Portland and she died of cancer, and I refused to live with my mom and her new fiancé so my option was here, and then I soon found out that my mother’s mom, died also. Me and my grandmother’s were very close I loved each of them. So them passing led to me being lonely, but I’m going to settle here in mystic falls and hope that I like it here, but I always get that eerie feeling everywhere I go… especially when I am driving near fells church. I can’t say I hate this place so far but… it’s definitely a drastic change from where I was… 

I stopped writing, looking over what I just wrote, maybe starting a new diary is a fresh start, I sighed and looked out my window, its my first night in Mystic Falls, to be honest I’m pretty scared, but I have no idea why? Maybe because I’m in a new place? But I doubt it, I looked around my new room at my Aunt and Uncles home here. it was bigger than my last room definitely more comfortable, I smiled to myself as I remembered my grandmothers hoarding obsessions, my room was packed with all her stuff. Then all the memories came pouring into my mind, but I shook them away quickly, I looked out my window as I sat on my window sill, the sky was overcastted, it was already raining, which made me feel at home, Portland was always cold and rainy. Then lightning struck in the sky making the clouds look purple, “beautiful.” I whispered in awe as I heard the clashes of thunder and more lighting striking. I heard my door creek open and I peeked over my shoulder seeing Bonnie in the doorway, I smiled and patted the seat next to me on the window sill.  And I resumed looking at the dark sky, I felt her sit next to me, me and Bonnie were always close, we were so much alike  in so many ways and we are both dealing with our witch powers without our grandmothers help. “you okay? do you like the room?” she asked, I smiled, “it’s perfect I love it. and I’m okay.” she looked at me knowingly,

“your scared.” I rolled my eyes, ofcourse she could see right through me.

Me and Bonnie has always had a strong bond ever since we were little, we can easily tell whether one of us were mad, sad, disappointed, scared.


I moved so I was face to face with her,

“I have no idea why? this place just doesn’t feel right… it’s like.. there’s something here that…” I thought for a second, I couldn’t put my feelings in words, I sighed and gave up,

“I dunno Bonnie, maybe I’m just nervous for school Monday.”

I lied, I always loved school, and I’ve never had a problem with it, I looked up at Bonnie, she had a sympathetic look on her face, “do you want me to have a sleep over?” I laughed, “ofcourse!” I said excitedly she smiled, “I’ll go get my pillow,” she said excitedly and ran out of the room, I laughed, I looked down in my lap at my diary, “I’ll finish this tomorrow.” I closed the diary and went to my bed and stuck it under my bed.  “okay, lets try not to stay up all night this time.” she said walking through the door of my bedroom. “alright,” I said while getting into bed, as did she.

I got comfortable in my new bed, after a few moments i heard bonnie say, "I'm really glad your here Alara."

"me too." i didn't know if i really meant it though... i listened to the sound of the rain pounding on my window and the clashes of lightning and thunder. I listened contently and drowsily.

The last thing i was thinking before i drifted off was 'i think i just might belong here, this might be the place...'

more chapters coming!!!:)

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