Chapter 5

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               Well, it’s now the weekend and I survived my first week back at school. Walking into the house Friday afternoon, I stopped when I caught site of Bartholomew and Acacia making out on the sofa. Okay, nobody needs to see that.

               “Get a room,” I said, and they immediately jumped apart as they realized that I was there.

               “Oh, um, hi December, how are you?” asked Acacia, out of breath.

               “I’m fine,” I answered. “Just waiting on Maxmillion, now. He should have the manipulator finished any day now.” I had already done my research on the jock who offended me on Monday. His name was Gaston Zbenski (I know, totally a jock name), he was fourteen years old, and he was definitely trying out for football. That was good nest to me.

               On Saturday, I had absolutely nothing to do, so I decided to take a walk around Vista, my neighborhood. Which was a kind of ironic name considering that pretty much the whole country of Amnesia was hideous. For miles around, the only scenery was dirt and red clay. No plants or anything. In elementary school, we learned that this was due to the Great Asteroid of 2025, leaving a crater over 100 miles in diameter, the biggest ever on record.

               This crater was uninhabited until 2029, the year I was born. It was re-established as a brand new country, Amnesia.

               My family’s house was located on the northwest ridges of the crater, overlooking the rest of the very small country. As I walked the dirt-paved streets winding around the dead front yards of the small houses of Oligarchy, located directly at the base of the ridges (I don’t climb mountains, there’s a nice lift that leads down there), I began to wonder: Do I really have a set-in-stone plan for taking over the world, or am I just winging it? I assumed that if I were to form an empire to undermine the school, I would need people with a variety of strong points, as well as a bad streak. It should include the schemer (that’s me), the techie (Maxmillion), the deceptor, the master of disguise, and probably one of the most important members, the logic genius. They’re the ones that are able to determine the risk factor in every move we make.

               As I was contemplating all these things, I ran straight into Timber Wolfe, who was sobbing. When she looked up, the sorrow on her face turned to anger when she saw me.

               “How could you?” Timber shouted in between sniffs. “I never did anything to you, and you have to just go and make a mess of my life!”

               “What on earth are you talking about?”

               “Oh, don’t act like I don’t know what you did at the pep rally the other day! I organized that whole thing, and had everything set up perfectly, and then you had to go and ruin it with stupid Tarshay!” That’s when I figured it out: she thought I sabotaged Tarshay’s dancing to make Timber look bad.

               “Okay, look,” I said, unfazed by her tears, “If I wanted to make a fool of you, I would have made your boobs pop out in the middle of your stupid speech! I had nothing to do with any of that!” I screamed.

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