New Talents

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In the next week, Cornelia had really gotten to grips with her mutation.
She could make herself and other objects invisible at will - including other people (John asked her to turn him invisible so he could play a prank on some younger kids).

The one thing she didn't know about her mutation was the strange force that had thrown those older kids backwards once. It seemed like such a distant memory now, though in truth it wasn't all that long ago.

One cloudy day, she went to ask Jean Grey about it, for Jean was her favourite teacher at the school, and she trusted her.
"Well it sounds to me like you made some form of shield or force field" said Jean, when Cornelia told her about the memory.
"Wow, really? That is pretty amazing!" She responded.
Jean told her to tell the Professor about it, as he could tell her more about how to use her newfound power.

"It's simple really Cornelia, just the same as using your other powers. Focus on a happy memory and think hard about what you want to do. I'm sure you'll have these force fields under control soon enough." The Professor smiled at her.
"Thank you professor!" She said cheerily, before dashing off to her next lesson.

Later that day, after classes, she went to the courtyard as usual, buzzing with excitement at the prospect of showing off her new talent.
"What's the big grin for, Obscura?" John asked. Cornelia then told her friends about the force fields.
"Awesome!" Said Bobby,
"You have to show us!" Kitty exclaimed.
Cornelia nodded, then closed her eyes and imagined a bubble of protection forming around her. When she opened her eyes again, there was a shimmering screen about a metre from her face.
"Try and pass through it!" She laughed.
John decided to try first: as soon as he hit the barrier he was flung backwards.
Cornelia immediately put down the force field and went over to her friend. "Are you ok?" She asked.
In reply, he gave her a thumbs up and said "That was wicked!"

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