Chapter 21 ~ So, This Is Who I Am

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                                                                          Stryke's POV

     The day just goes downhill from starting a fire doesn't it. I meet my father who was always there and at the same time never was is now placing himself directly into my life. Plus, I found out I'm gay. How are you suppose to look and act when you're gay.

     When I got back to my house, ditching my father and Aaron on the way. I just curled up in a ball on my bed trying to process the day. Aaron has super powers to add onto everything. How am I suppose to deal. I fell asleep and dreamed about the day but things were different. I was the one with super powers. I could absorb the flames like Aaron did and my "Father" wasn't involved. Instead my mother was there. She was cowering in a corner afraid of.... afraid of me. I woke up in a cold sweat and stared at my clock. 5: 24  Am....... Well, I can't go back to sleep now. I guess I'll have to get ready. 

     I looked in the mirror scanning my nude body. What do you wear when you are gay? I started rummaging through my closet until I found a cowboy outfit from Halloween. I tried it on but, looking in the mirror cow print just isn't me. My closet is filled with old Halloween costumes or whatever other clothes I got that I never thought I'd wear. Next up, a cop suit....... definitely not something to wear in public. I kept trying on clothes for what seemed like ages. Pant's I haven't worn since middle school and shirts my grandma bought littering the floor in a wave of toxic colors (shocking pink, lime green, highlighter yellow) Eventually I found a shirt Aaron bought me for my birthday two years ago. I put on the red top, it almost looked like a soccer jersey but it was so small that it tightened around my chest. It really looked like a shirt someone gay would wear..... but what about my pants...underwear......socks, shoes??? I continued rummaging through the closet finding a pain of acid wash skinny jeans, a pack of "fashion briefs, socks with pink kittens on it, and converse shoes. That's all stuff a gay person would wear right? I feel gay, do I look gay? 

     When I looked at the clock it was 7:20, I still have some time. I guess I should practice talking gay. 

" Hey there boys, wanna go eat some sausages in the bathroom?" I said to myself.

     OK, that sentence is probably not something a normal gay would say but, what is? I sat on the edge of my queen size bed staring into my mirror trying to think of ways to sound gayer. I added a girlish sound to my voice, pulled my shoulders back, and tilted my head up.

"Hey girl, you ready for class...... Oh, you're such a bitch........ girl please..." Hey, I think I got this.


:3 I love writing funny chapters but..... I'm going to have the comedy die out a little fast because something else important is happening. Not funny but, very serious.... Somethin you've probably all waited for.

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