4- The Run

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I look out the door next to the girl saving me.

"Can I know your name?" I ask quietly

She closes the door a little as a guard passes "Anna" she replies quick. After a minute she points up with two fingers then moves them forward and she sneaks out and along the wall. I follow close.

This I could do easily. Hell I could probably just walk out saying I have another 'mission'

"Why me?" I whisper. "Many reasons, one is we need you. Were saving you from the bad guys" she replies quick,

"Bad guys? I mean. Once you get past the hard faces, guns, hard exterior, they're nice..people, who flirt a lot"

"Well your probably the only female in the facility and they're guys with dicks who would stick it in any hole they get close to first" she says, her face in a hard line.

I hold in the laugh, chest shaking with silent laughter. I hold my hand to my face closing my eyes trying to keep it in. Once I calm down I look at Anna.

Her back is to the wall, her face facing me, a small smirk tugging at her lips. "That is true. You don't wanna know what I've seen" I look up n make a face of disgust "there's one. ONE shower room. So I shower at night when everyone's asleep or training."

"How fast?" She asks a little disgusted herself " how many have walked in?"

I scold at her smirk "enough. Thats how many," I look past her and nod as in to say it's clear.

She looks then nods hurrying along, I follow quick, not wasting time. I want, no. I need to get out of here. The bland food. Hard beds. One shower room. No thanks.

Hopefully where ever she's taking me is better then here.

"When I said bad guys" she says over her shoulder "I mean them. Yeah. Haven't you noticed how they order you to go kill someone or do something for them? They use others because they're weak. But they don't let you off easy when you mess up..don't they?"

I shake my head slightly looking down. "No.. I learned the first time,though there have been incidence when something occurred and they just...had a whim to-" I shake my head again "it's all I know.. I ca-"

"I know sweety," she says as we get out and run for what seems miles before stopping. "I know, well....we know a lot about you.. there will be no more of that, your free.. this is my last assignment.. I'm done now" she smiles and leans against a tree "I had a choice unlike you"

I cut her off "Oh I had a choice. Die or serve. That was mine.."

"I mean be free..do what I want.. or help them help others..they helped me a few years ago. I was in a place similar to that, unlike all the men there we're females at mine. They came the day before my graduation.. it's..." she takes a deep breath. Her eyes darkening with fear and hatred, "it's where they steralize you. So it's...easier to kill.."

I nod slightly, "I'm sorry, but.. they didn't do it...right?"

She shakes her head, her blonde hair flowing soft, moving freely. She's taken care of her hair Unlike my knotted mess. "No. They we're prepping me. I had gone back to my quarters when pietro saved me" she zones off, she bites her bottom lip and shifts closing her eyes for a few seconds.

I work at this "your in love?"

Her eyes flash open "i-i wouldn't call it that.. uh- I admire him.." she cuts herself off before going on. Probably on what he looks like.

//authors note. Yes this is slightly tied into the avengers.//

I sit down on a log, resting my elbows on my knees. Lacing fingers and twiddling my thumbs "what's it like.. being In love?" I know the look..not the feeling..

"Its..-" she smiles "you'll find it out. Everyone does"

I nod and sigh slightly "do I have to...stay at..that place? Where you came from?" I Ask softly.

Anna sits down next to me and rests her arm on my shoulders pulling me to her some "not if you don't want to"

"I don't...but I'm scared" I look at her "I don't know a lot about the outside world. I'm smart..but in combat.." I look off through the trees, leaves and twigs crunching and splitting from the critters running about finding food and whatnot.

"I know how you feel" she smiles, her teeth a Pearl white. "You can come with me...if you want.. to get you started.. you are 18 after all.."

I nod. "Well... in a few weeks"

She pushes me slightly and rolls her eyes making me smile "close enough."

I bite back my giggle and stand "let's go then.."

"To a new start" She hops up happily.

I grin and nod quick. "This way" she waves her hand and sets off to a quick jog. I take a deep breath before setting after her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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